acosmichippo wrote:If there is going to be any premium paid by me in the US, it better come with on-demand HD coverage of BBC or SKY coverage. Nothing else would be good enough to beat torrenting the videos a few hours after the race.
As for BBC:
1) BBC does not cover all races so no interest in BBC
2) BBC is total crap nowadays with presenting. I can't stand Eddie Jordan anymore and that woman is annoying as hell, i actually preferred that guy from the kids show.
As for Sky:
Unfortunately, i can't get sky here on tele. I can get Sport1 with absolutely HORRIBLE dutch commenting, absolutely intorelable.
The alternative is get a Sky online subscription. However, that isn't as easy either, and the package needed is imho just way too expensive. I'd only watch to see F1, and In reality, i love F1, but I also enjoy my free time in the weekends. So If i have other 'occupations' during the weekends, i choose to have these in favour of watching F1. Also, i don't feel i can put my family through the misery of saturday + sunday total F1 coverage taking up bandwith / screentime. Pre-qualy report, qualy, and post-qualy report + pre-race report, race and post-race report + kravitz notebook.
the alternative that I enjoy a lot? Torrent the stuff out of it. There are very HQ torrents out there of Sky English broadcast and it's worth it. I can watch it from the comfort of my own time leisures. And it's free.
I'd prefer if Sky actually did the effort of providing downloadable video's of all the shows for 1 week for the actual races, directly after the show end. I assume Bernie's dictatorial commercial rights strangulation grips prevent this from happening, though.
I'd be willing to pay € 5,- for a complete weekend coverage of F1 by Sky. May not sound much, but as for now, I pay zero because i watch the same stuff from torrents. As do THOUSANDS of other people who download these same torrents.
That means Sky is missing thousands of bucks every single weekend by not providing this possibility. And essentially, so is FOM.
So I think the same would be going for F1 fans globally, and I do think the US is having a huge problem here, too.
How are you going to make F1 interesting for the American viewer if it's behind a decoder and you'll have to 'friggin' pay to see a sport most of them don't care for, or don't understand, or don't feel any need for. They can watch Nascar and Champcar/Indy for free.
I believe NBC? is covering some F1 races, too, like Monaco.
And then there's the easy choice of torrenting for those interested.
Bernie turned F1 races in night races and race times so that viewers at home can watch it without having to go up at night. At the same time, he took F1 from millions of potential viewers. F1 could be much bigger if it was more 'accesible' for viewers OUTSIDE the United Kingdom. Through any continent, for free, or for cheap. Atleast make broadcasting interesting for TV stations to buy the rights or 'buy' airtime for F1.