A new Formula One team, directed by NASCAR team owner Gene Haas has been permitted an entry to F1 in 2015, Haas and the FIA confirmed on Friday following a meeting of the World Motorsport Council at Morocco.
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"We would love to have a car in line with the company's image," said Haas, whose corporate logo is actually red and silver.
"But it needs to be good, too, because all these cars in silver or grey appear almost identical to each other.
"I would like a colour that makes us distinguishable," said the Californian. "I do like yellow."
"We've looked at several [concepts]," says Haas
"We had one that was basically based on the natural colours of a flame. We thought that was kind of interesting: it starts off white, then goes to yellow, which then goes to red, but it would be just natural colours that you would see.
"Then maybe the other ideas that we are talking about was basically a flat black car with a lot of yellow (Maranello's regional colour) highlights on it. The other, a lot of red, something like that...
Now if they are going to run yellow, i applaud that and that would already make me enjoy the team more then i had expected before.
Gimme all yellow please like the old Camel Lotus cars, or the Jordans.
BUT, i'm curious whether that's really gonna happen because of the association of yellow with Renault, and the lingering news of Renault interested to return as a works team buying Force India to turn it into Renault F1......
Classic American race colours are blue & white, like the Trans-Ams of ye, or the Vipers. I'd like that, a full blue car with white stripes or a full white car with blue stripes, but that would look too much like the Williams.
does look interesting tho
still, i don't think they want to look too much like this:
we'll see.
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"
From a sentimental and patriotic point of view I'd love to see the white and blue livery, but let's face it livery colors will be influenced heavily by the primary sponsor. That being said, if the primary sponsor has a neutral logo, or a logo that includes yellow, then for the purpose of being noticed, yellow is a perfect choice.
I don't think the yellow Renault association should be too big of a concern. Frankly, if they were that interested in promoting their own image, they would have paid Red Bull to get the Nissan/infinity logo off of those Renault powered cars years ago.
America has it's own version of that, years before Jordan ran something like they did. Admittedly, i prefer the Jordan ones [ i liked the shark best ]
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"
and i'll drop this STUNNING livery by one of our favourite livery artists: =D>
Btw, since Ferrari now has the Alfa Romeo logo on their sidepod of the F15T,
and Ferrari is owned by FIAT, and FIAT also owns Chrysler, and HAAS is doing a big partnership with Ferrari, thus indirectly with FIAT, could they do something like RedBull with Infiniti, and run CHRYSLER or DODGE on the car?
Surely Ferrari aren't as concerned with Haas advertising with Dodge/Chrysler on their cars like Renault is annoyed RedBull advertises with Infiniti? Ferrari has a b-team no matter what, whom run Ferrari engines either way.
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"
That would be interesting, though not many people outside of America buy Crysler.
As a machine maker, Haas might be better off putting imagery that sorta shows that the car was made by his machines... maybe put like "transparent" paint job on the car or something.
Manoah2u wrote:
and Ferrari is owned by FIAT, and FIAT also owns Chrysler, and HAAS is doing a big partnership with Ferrari, thus indirectly with FIAT, could they do something like RedBull with Infiniti, and run CHRYSLER or DODGE on the car?
Surely Ferrari aren't as concerned with Haas advertising with Dodge/Chrysler on their cars like Renault is annoyed RedBull advertises with Infiniti? Ferrari has a b-team no matter what, whom run Ferrari engines either way.
1 reason I don't see the Dodge/Chrysler thing happening is NASCAR. Although Dodge is not in NASCAR anymore Haas runs Chevrolet in NASCAR. I doubt Chevy would like Haas in F1 being linked to Dodge in any way. Ferrari is not really a direct competitor with Chevy/GM but Dodge most certainly is.
Manoah2u wrote:
and Ferrari is owned by FIAT, and FIAT also owns Chrysler, and HAAS is doing a big partnership with Ferrari, thus indirectly with FIAT, could they do something like RedBull with Infiniti, and run CHRYSLER or DODGE on the car?
Surely Ferrari aren't as concerned with Haas advertising with Dodge/Chrysler on their cars like Renault is annoyed RedBull advertises with Infiniti? Ferrari has a b-team no matter what, whom run Ferrari engines either way.
1 reason I don't see the Dodge/Chrysler thing happening is NASCAR. Although Dodge is not in NASCAR anymore Haas runs Chevrolet in NASCAR. I doubt Chevy would like Haas in F1 being linked to Dodge in any way. Ferrari is not really a direct competitor with Chevy/GM but Dodge most certainly is.
I don't see the Chrysler thing happening. But I also don't think Chevrolet would care. They are more concerned with having the big named drivers in NASCAR than they are with being associated with the HAAS team. Also, the NASCAR team is "Stewart-Haas" while the F1 team is just "Haas".
1158 wrote:1 reason I don't see the Dodge/Chrysler thing happening is NASCAR. Although Dodge is not in NASCAR anymore Haas runs Chevrolet in NASCAR. I doubt Chevy would like Haas in F1 being linked to Dodge in any way. Ferrari is not really a direct competitor with Chevy/GM but Dodge most certainly is.
I don't see the Chrysler thing happening. But I also don't think Chevrolet would care. They are more concerned with having the big named drivers in NASCAR than they are with being associated with the HAAS team. Also, the NASCAR team is "Stewart-Haas" while the F1 team is just "Haas".
GM was bailed out by the U.S. Government, and screwed thousands of workers out of their pensions and health benefits. It would stir up a lot of hard feelings and possibly legal difficulties if they were to start pissing money down the F1 drain. Chrystler was bailed out, but it was also bought out by a firm with a long history of F1 involvement. It is nothing for the parent company, Fiat, to replace the prancing horse, with the Chrystler logo for its North American Races.
That's absolute and total rubbish. GM has nothing to do with Chrysler, first of all. What happens to Mercedes does not affect Renault or Honda or Ferrari.
Meanwhile, in that 'bailed out' country, there's a sport called NASCAR where there are dozens of cars driving around with exactly these brands. Same goes for Indy. same goes for Champcars. Does any American have problems their tax money gets to these bailed-out cars they deliberately come to see at the racetrack, where they also pay tickets for? No, they love and embrace it.
In fact, the opposite is true;
Placing 'Chrysler' on the side of the Haas could be better for Chrysler car sales in the States, perhaps even here in europe.
Bernie is looking for more interest out of the states for ages, what better connection like the good old saying 'win on sunday sell on monday'. Surely Haas wil not be even remotely close to a win the coming years. But in any case, Americans have a certain state of mind that is somewhat different to the more 'indifferent' approach europeans have: Haas isn't just making up stuff when he says; "Look, them Haas guys are doing good in F1, they must make one hell of a CNC machine, lets buy it."
It's funny for us europeans, because in general, that's not how businessminds here works.
It does however work like that in the states.
Now you have Chrysler as the only american brand on the side of an american F1 team, people come watching the COTA race, people have interest in what Gene Haas manages to do with his F1 foray; that's promotion of the brand, that's media attention, that's what they want.
That means Chrysler gets exposure too, and that, as simple as it is; means SELL.
I'm sure Chrysler would be very eager to have the Chrysler logo on the Haas F1 cars.
I could really see it happening. I don't even recall whether there was 'powered by Ferrari' on the Marussia, Sauber or Toro Rosso before. That means Ferrari doesn't give squad about 'Ferrari promotion' except for their own team 'Scuderia Ferrari'.
There's always room to write 'Ferrari' at the sidepod like Ferrari has written 'Haas' at the same spot, so you have both.
So if Ferrari doesn't really care, and Chrysler does care, and Gene Haas and Bernie would like more USA promotion in F1 (which they do), then i'd think FIAT could be easily persuaded to understand the benefit here and slam 'Chrysler' on the HAAS cars.
besides, pissing money down the drain? Chrysler is not starting their own F1 foray, Haas is, it doesn't cost Chrysler a single dime, neither does it cost FIAT or Ferrari a dime; Haas is not a works team and thus have to pay for the engines aswell as every other Ferrari part.
In other words, no money goes down any drain, in fact, it's free advertising and free money for Chrysler, resulting in more exposure and more sales. Which ultimately, is a win-win situation for Fiat, because they own/partner Chrysler. Sell more chyslers here in europe, sell more chyslers in the USA, and promote the USA more in F1, AND promote the F1 more in the USA.
Imagine the attention the chrysler dealerships would get when HAAS plants the 2014 or 2015 Marussias liveried with Haas branding and Chrysler on the sides. It wouldnt be a stormfest at Chrysler but it would attract a whole whopping lot of attention. Let the Haas drivers promote Chrysler cars, like the new 300m , or dodge [part of the chrysler empire thus part of the FIAT empire] Vipers / Challengers, Chargers, Ram, Magnum, etc.
A whole new opportunity to promote all these cars thanks to the F1 foray of Haas. Just shoot a promotional film of Haas F1 (test)driver Alexander Rossi, or use famous Danica Patrick, driving a Haas F1 car alongside a Dodge/Chrysler model.
"High-tech technology, from Formula 1, the worlds' most advanced motorsport - straight to YOUR Chrysler. The New 300m. available now at your local Chrysler dealership!"
WIN: Gene Haas, his F1 team gets promotion = investor opportunities.
WIN: Chrysler/Dodge [+ FIAT], sell more cars with a fresh promotion possibility (and not spend a single buck).
WIN: Bernie Ecclestone, more F1 exposure in the states
WIN: COTA, sell more tickets [Win Bernie 2.0]
WIN: more F1 tracks in the states [ Jersey ]
It would be a great marketing opportunity that would be a shame if it goes left unused.
Therefore, I can really see this actually happening.
You read it here first.
I'm still not convinced about the Haas F1 team though. Not because i don't want to see them, but because i want to see a successfull american F1 team that does a good job and take every opportunity it gives them and the US by participating. Unfortunately, I've yet to see any business opportunity from happening, and i haven't really seen anything 'substancial' that gives it a far more positive and solid plan compared to the last F1 foray, USF1, whom actually had more substance before they hit rock bottom compared to what Haas showed up untill now.
Does anybody know when Dallara will start constructing the 2016 car?
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"