WaikeCU wrote:Perhaps Force India? Since Mercedes-Benz engine contract could be too expensive for them?
FIF1 are a "partner team" to Merc and buy the gearbox and other drivetrain bits (essentially the complete powertrain), also the Merc PU contract is the cheapest (compared to Renault and Ferrari) from the figures I've seen and I bet buying a gearbox is cheaper than developing and making their own (a service Honda may not offer). Lastly being just down the road from MGP and HPP and sharing the same first language as the designers of the PU keeps things a lot simpler than dealing with Honda in Japan. So I doubt they will switch anytime soon.
If its anyone I think it will be Williams, they have always been willing change engines when needed (Renault/Mechacrome, BMW, Toyota, Cosworth, Merc in the last 15 years), unless that is Mclaren put a block on them.