turbof1 wrote:Chene_Mostert wrote:Chene_Mostert wrote:
Why exclude Merc, and why is it pointless? have all teams except merc now stopped developing their cars?
Because there are plenty of reasons most of them already explained above: I would add an important political one for me: merc does not want to show its overwhelming superiority before next strategy group meeting.
this does not mean that it is ABSOLUTELY SURE that merc is not pushing but it is really extremely likely ...while, in my opinion it is oppositely extremely unlikely that ALL other teams except ferrari are not pushing
No reasons have been stated or explained. Only speculated.
We all are speculating, including you. None of us have any proof of the true intentions.
However, there are enough arguments in favor of Mercedes holding back. Infact, and this is a statement coming from the team itself, is that they are not interested at all in quick runs. They are only doing runs with maximum fuel load.
Further fact is that they are running rakes of aero sensors. Now I can tell you that you don't want that breaking off on a kerb because you were pushing the car.
Mercedes out on collecting data, and collecting data requires driving smoothly and easy, not pushing.[/quote]
As you said
turboF1 we all speculate