I was really happy when I found this site as I like the F1 talk and at the very least motoring discussions.
If I was to harp on the cruelty of a subject like bansai-kitten, I would definately save it for a site like boingboing.net that specializes in these memes, links, and snippets of cultural information.
Not trying to make waves, just state an opinion.
Since we are already on the topic, maybe focus your negative energy on the users of the now defunct cat-scan.com, where cats were forced on to the beds of scanners while the hot white light passed over their panicked sensitive eyes.
At the same time, look up fois gras for some serious mass animal cruelty, then maybe boycott a cooking channel or two with a letter sent to them in the same regard. Forcefeeding birds a couple of pounds of food through a tube rammed down their long neck and into their stomach to bloat their liver many fold would be a better example of animal cruelty, all in the name of a delicacy.
Not defending bansai-kitten, as I am a cat owner, but no cats were physically harmed in the making of the site, and my cat gets over accidental cruelty quite quickly (such as stepping on his tail in army boots).
I figured that since this topic was started and remains, I can comment on it