[IMG:800:600]http://www.lazyforums.net/uploadfiles/p ... edium).jpg[/img]
[IMG:800:600]http://www.lazyforums.net/uploadfiles/p ... edium).jpg[/img]
[IMG:800:600]http://www.lazyforums.net/uploadfiles/p ... edium).jpg[/img]
the Escudo was there this year too i have pics of it but they are on film its an impressive piece of machinevyselegend wrote:Nice pics.
I remember the Pikes Peak ascend was in Gran Turismo 2, it was quite funny with the Suzuki Escudo monster. Also I had a cheat code that allowed to get past the barriers by pressing L2 & R2, it made a strange bug to jump off from the top of the cliff, with the car keeping falling ever and ever...
Thanks for bringing back such nice souvenirs.
there are programs that will recover your memory card I cant remeber the one i used when i did something simallerTom wrote:Well done Flynfrog, great pics their of some really interesting cars. I'll have to get out their sometime.
I use photobucket.com to upload vids aswell as pics.
My dad descided it would be a good idea to drive to the top of the highest mountain in Kefalonia while on holiday there and going up the 10km or so of twisty gravel road, huge drops either side and huge pine trees everywhere, what a great place this would be for a greek version. I took some on board videos but managed to delete all 170+ pics of the holiday from my memory card on the last day by pressing format by mistake (anyone know how/if I can get them back?)
Anyway, the Mount Ainos rally seems like a good idea and the time would probably be about 10mins aswell, but the Greeks are very liberal about safety so it would be a risky event.