Sauber F1 Team 2015

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


Godius wrote:Today Dutch newspaper Telegraaf reported that Ecclestone did some last minute mediation between vdg & sauber that resulted into a lump sum payment to vdg & a partial share/stock transfer agreement towards Boekhoorn (McGregor).
Seeing that it was Boekhoorn's money that was given to Sauber, it is highly unlikely that it was given back to VDG! And the whole scenario was being orchestrated by Boekhoorn who had been trying to buy a team before, Somehow i doubt that this report is true. Speculation maybe, but no evidence to support it.

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


Reading through the last few pages people are still on GvdG's case, Can we just say lets not forget that Sauber may not have even saw the season out with the 8m GvdG brought to the team!

Lets put the situation in a similar analogy. (example) Sauber had a contract and paid Ferrari 8M euros for them to bring 2 engines to Australia for them, when they get to Australia no Sauber say oh well, maybe bring then to Malaysia? Or start a legal battle. Sauber is in the wrong, GvdG in the right, and thats accouding to the there is only 1 person above the law... Bernie!! Lets see what he says about this, the old man will inevitably say something in the media!

Yes GvdG's father-in-law may be rich, but you don't get rich by writing off 8m euros in return for nothing.

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


Sniffit wrote:
Moxie wrote: If he ever wants to see his 8M euros again, or receive the asset for which he paid he needs to pressure the Kaltenborn to pay up before Sauber Motorsport becomes insolvent. It is perfectly reasonable that he use the media to his advantage, after all Sauber Motorsport took 8M euros from him.
Not necessarily, if they had a confidentiality clause in case of disagreements (which they seemed to have) or in the arbitrament who usually include such provisions, leking to the media is not adviceable.

Confidentiality agreements have their limits, and VDG had good lawyers. I'm sure he pushed those legal limits as far as they could be pushed, and I don't blame him.

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


Moxie wrote:Confidentiality agreements have their limits, and VDG had good lawyers. I'm sure he pushed those legal limits as far as they could be pushed, and I don't blame him.
Absolutely, I agree. I just wanted to mention it since Sauber used that as a reason for terminating his contract (in February). A termination that wasn't part of the Swiss arbitration (since it had not occured yet).

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


KeiKo403 wrote:Reading through the last few pages people are still on GvdG's case, Can we just say lets not forget that Sauber may not have even saw the season out with the 8m GvdG brought to the team!

Lets put the situation in a similar analogy. (example) Sauber had a contract and paid Ferrari 8M euros for them to bring 2 engines to Australia for them, when they get to Australia no Sauber say oh well, maybe bring then to Malaysia? Or start a legal battle. Sauber is in the wrong, GvdG in the right, and thats accouding to the there is only 1 person above the law... Bernie!! Lets see what he says about this, the old man will inevitably say something in the media!
Yes GvdG's father-in-law may be rich, but you don't get rich by writing off 8m euros in return for nothing.
I used that same analogy 4 pages ago to no avail
What if this was about engines and Ferrari decided to supply Mclaren instead of Sauber even though they had the contract
You wouldn't say to bad Mclaren is better then Sauber or tough luck Mclaren's got more money
It seems to be a case of, van der Garde is not a good driver so he doesn't deserves the full backing of the law,
or Sauber could go bankrupt so he doesn't deserve to take them to court

I Know the last 30 pages would read differently if this case was Sauber vs Schumacher and not van der Garde

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


Sauber deserve the bad press and to be penalised monetarily.

By taking his money, and then reneging, they intentionally decided to screw over VdG - precisely (I believe) because they thought they would get away with it. As others have pointed out Kalterborn was a lawyer herself, and F1 is a highly contractually-heavy sport (diverse suppliers, NDAs, non-competes, etc.) - this isn't a case of misunderstanding or carelessness.

The hero of the story is VdG who had the guts to challenge their contract violation in court, even knowing that it would have severe impact on his reputation (possibly, it is this particular concern that Sauber were counting on).

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


VdG could be a hero, but I can't like a guy after he dressed with Ericsson's uniform and walked around like a boss. This was a huge disrespect with his fellow driver who had nothing to do with this story.
Of course we all make mistakes, but this was arrogant, pointless and disrespectfull.

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


The blame for disrespect lies with Kalyenborn and Sauber Motorsports. VDG had a valid contract, a requirement no less, that he don the team supplied coveralls and drive the team race car. Clearly his attorneys felt it was necessary for VDG toake every effort to comply with his contract. The fact that this was probably insulting is an artifact of Kaltenborns actions.

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


I love how all the facts are being thrown around to point fingers as a means to highlight who the bad person or cooperation is. We are talking about a contract dispute here. A contract that is most likely very complex. There are for instance sources that suggest that the contract wasn't even with VdG, but with his sponsors that actually gave him the entitlement to the race seat in the first place. For some reason - irregardless if right or wrong - Sauber felt they had no contract with VdG - something they argued at court, lost and have appealed. Essentially, the trial is still in process and not legally binding yet - even if that doesn't change what happened in Australia, the ruling there that upheld the initial verdict and the fact that VdG and his backers have a very good way to add pressure in light of Saubers financial crisis and contract situation with both their new drivers that might dictate a totally different outcome irregardless how the initial contract dispute came about and who is in the right or not.

The financial reality and the complexity of the trial might actually mean that the initial verdict in Switzerland might not even proceed and we'll never know.
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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


Moxie wrote:
Manoah2u wrote:
I'm glad Nasr showed what he's worth and Sauber's potential. Unsurprisingly but quite disappointing to see Ericsson's performance. That Sauber had a lot more potential than what he got out of it. Shame. Apart from that, GvdG would not have done any better, despite what the fanboys are wetdreaming about. A Sainz or Verstappen would have gotten that car to a much better spot though.

Could care much less about vdG. Yes, Sauber made a mess, but Kolles back in a responsive role is a pure nightmare. Boekhoorn imho isn't a positive assett either for F1. Again, I have zero interest in any form of fanboyism and have zero room for a nationalistic handicap. Only have to go back a couple of years with the Spyker failure.

I was shocked about the way Sauber handled or dealt with the GvdG gate, but i'm back to my respect and happyness for the Sauber team. Nasr was a damn good choice and the team looks way different.
Definately my favourite team in the way it transformed, and that livery is killer. Both the car, aswell as the outfits. Those overalls are just stunning.
All shows Sauber actually have done a stellar job. It's a shame this vdgarde-gate has made people totally dispise and barf out Kaltenborn, whilst the truth of the matter is, on a motorsport level, she actually has a points scoring team that is in an unexpected position in the championship. Imagine that.

Just think about if for a second if bigmouth VdG did not shout to all the media about their issues and kept it respectfully within the team and outside of media attention. All that would have been read about would be a newsline saying after a contract breach between former Sauber test driver Guido van der Garde and Sauber Motorsport AG an agreement was met and both parties have resolved their issues. Nothing more, nothing less and people would be absolutely praising and hailing the reborn Sauber team.

Instead, the VdG party made a clown circus out of it all and made a media mess of everything sauber.

I hope this double-points finish will grant Sauber a good amount of $$ where they can simply slam the money back to the vdG camp and wave them goodbye.

Glad to see Sauber in the position they are in now, and it deserves extra respect on their achievements achieving this with so much stress and stuff going on and the missing of crucial free practice sessions. kudos to Sauber and kudos also to Kaltenborn having Sauber back to solid ground.
I too am happy to see that this struggling team had a good result, but in all fairness to VDG, he paid 8M euros for that seat. Kaltenborn kept the money but then sold the seat to another driver. Do you really think VDG should just STFU and walk away? If he ever wants to see his 8M euros again, or receive the asset for which he paid he needs to pressure the Kaltenborn to pay up before Sauber Motorsport becomes insolvent. It is perfectly reasonable that he use the media to his advantage, after all Sauber Motorsport took 8M euros from him.

I do hope that Sauber has a good year, but we should also be realistic about the possibility of bankruptcy. A good year is no guarantee of greater fortunes. VDG needs to keep the pressure on, and if Kaltenborn continues her M.O. of foot dragging and negotiating in bad faith, VDG will be justified, and strategically correct in creating a spectacle.
I've never stated GvdG does not deserve to get his money back or some form of compensation. He was ditched quite coldly by Sauber, that was never the question. The court issue only proved that GvdG indeed has been 'mistreated'. However, GvdG then took this opportunity to make him into poor conned innocent versus evil devil sauber, which is simply not true nor reasonable. VdG taking the court to underlay his right on compensation is indeed his fullest right. The handling of the persona vs team sauber on the other hand is graceless and not fitting for million-dollar man and million dollar management/backing.

Meanwhile, nobody generally knows whether Sauber really did 'took 8 m' from him. All we know is GvdG had a valid race contract and his company paid huge sums of money to become eligable for a race seat in '15. Whatever more, is pure speculation. GvdG state he did not want compensation but he wanted to race. So the question remains, was he conned from money or is it a pure case of ditching him?

Strategically creating a spectacle in the end has only hurt GvdG and his business and associates imho. Bernie had to intervene and bernie is generally not a happy man when he needs to do these things. In other words; you don't make friends with Bernie like that, and what you want is Bernie as your best friend. Meanwhile no team has any interest in his services ever again. And, he now gave up his racing seat for the melbourne weekend, so all that brawl and brag ended up in absolutely nothing.

People have as good as forgotten about GvdG after he gave up on his seat and Nasr and ericsson brought Sauber to 3rd place in the WCC. I would think GvdG is a tad better than Ericsson, but lacks experience compared to Ericsson on this particular vehicle, which makes me assume he wouldn't have been able to do as 'good' as a job as Ericsson did on sunday.

Sauber has a huge benefit from the Ferrari engine and they could even find themselves batteling for 4th or 5th WCC for the remainder of the season. If they do, they'll have fixed their money issues quite well. Nasr brings a big bag of money and a big bag of talent alongside it. Nasr will be their star driver, ericsson the 2nd one which brings the rest of usefull money. They are in a far better position anybody is willing to give them.
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"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


Since this whole farce is a non-issue now. Can we get back on track and discuss something important, what about Ericssons hair-cut? Yay or nay?

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


bdr529 wrote:I found this on from Friday
van der Garde has been seen in the paddock today and arrived to undergo a seat fitting – wearing Marcus Ericsson's overalls - ahead of FP1, though this is potentially to fulfil obligations of the contract as enforced by the Supreme Court this week rather than be a sign of either his race chances or whether he is replacing the Swede rather than Nasr. ... es-on.html
And I checked Sauber's website for driver hights: --Felipe Nasr- 1.75m / Marcus Ericsson- 1.80m / Giedo van der Garde- 1.83m
" it was extremely disrespectful"
I'd say that might be a little harsh, when in reality VDG was just put in that position
VDG didn't work with the seat fitting in the paddock, outside his garage. He could have used Ericssons overalls for the seat fitting and then changed to other clothes when he mingled with people on the outside. Had he walked around in Kalterborns clothes I wouldn't have cared :wink:

I would be very much surprised if he gets to drive for Sauber this year.

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


I don't know were the seat fitting took place, all I'm saying is that all reports that I read all seem to agree that it was VDG having to do this to up hold his end of the contract and comply with the order brought forth by the courts.

I just find it odd that your ok with Sauber essentially taking (steeling) $8 million, but you have a issue with VDG wearing Ericsson's overalls for a 1/2 hour to long.

I could care less about VDG he's just another driver, I do care that companies and in this case drivers up hold their ends of the contracts that they signed. I would have rather seen this taken care of last year but it didn't, so I have no problem with it going to court. if it was VDG that was in the wrong then I would have no issues with Sauber taking him to court.

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


bdr529 wrote:
I just find it odd that your ok with Sauber essentially taking (steeling) $8 million, but you have a issue with VDG wearing Ericsson's overalls for a 1/2 hour to long.
Exactly my thoughts. Which one is more of a crime?

I'm sure it was a spare suit anyway.

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Re: Sauber F1 Team 2015


r_b_l wrote:I'm sure it was a spare suit anyway.
With Ericsson, more of an empty suit....
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