PlatinumZealot wrote:
I need someone of more mental bravery to knock and forth ideas with to develop this further. You are no fun. F1 technical is a mere shadow of it's former self.... Back in the days posters would spend pages developing ideas, fleshing out the advantages and disadvantages by using well reasoned trains of logic and calculation.
Those issues you mention are featherweight issues my friend.
You know easily you can design the system to not spit debris??
If you don't like this place, then you can always sod off. F1 tech a mere shadow of it's former self?
there could be pages spent developing ideas that are reasonable and well-thought through.
Ideas that make no sense, have no future, no substance and are weak copies of actual former 'devices' that got banned,
are not going to make full pages of developing ideas because there's no substance to it. You having problems with accepting your idea is flawed and without future is not F1technical's problem or F1tech members that actually have engineering degrees and reply to your 'ideas'.
shooting arrows to fellow members in the sense 'you are no fun' and essentially 'you lack mental bravery' only show this is a thread created to have people follow in your ego. You don't even post any reasonable caluclations yourself, why would anybody take effort in calculating a flawed logic for you?
Have you even taken the time to actually delve into the Brabham Fan car and see why it worked, how it worked, and why it got banned?. And 'clutched' to the gearbox? what's that gonna do in the corners? what does that even mean?
you realise that this device has no real life capability simply due to the regulations? and that regulations in itself would need alteration just to make it possible for this to even be acceptable, and that if these regulations need changing, that in itself would provide possibility to far more capable devices rather than an outdated device?