Coasting and blocking are contradictory terms, it´s not posible to do both at the same time. Coasting means you lift the throttle some meters before hitting the brakes, so if there´s a car behind you trying to pass, he will passlangwadt wrote:the slower car would just turn up the power to combat the overtake, so it would just be coasting and blocking where you can't overtake and full power where you could.Andres125sx wrote:Disagree, how many times we´ve seen a car half a second faster than the one in front, but unable to overtake? This would open a door to increase fuel flow (over the standard flow to finish the race) and increase power to overtake. Once done he could reduce fuel flow below standard flow to compensate the extra wasted on the overtaking, because he is faster, so even with a reduced fuel flow (or coasting) the other car will not be a threatHenk wrote: If you lift the (fuel flow) ban you will get more fuel saving and teams will not 'assume' more risk by overtaking.
That´s the reason Alonso refused to save fuel on Canada, he was fighting, trying to stop some faster cars he had behind him, so he refused to save fuel to keep them behind as much as posible
So if a slower car increase the fuel flow on the straight to stop the car behind, he´ll pay it later on the lap or later in the race, but he´ll pay it so the extra fuel burnt was not worth. It will be worth only for a car wich is faster and after overtaking he can reduce fuel flow and still be faster, he´d use the extra fuel to get rid of the traffic and then continue with his faster pace
Sorry but that´s another contradictory statement, it´s the fuel flow limit what prevent current engines from reaching the 15.000rpm limit. Nobody is reaching the rpm limit written in the rules because the fuel flow limit make it absurd, it´s not worthlangwadt wrote:They need the fuel flow limit to make them running high rpms to keep the audience from rioting
Current engines need a higher fuel flow to make it worth increasing revs to the current 15k limit, so it´s exactly the oposite you´re stating, increasing fuel flow they´d increase rpms