I have been supportive of the concept of Customer Cars for a while now, as a way to simply get more cars on the grid, if nothing else.
I was always considering Manor running a 2014 Ferrari Chassis in 2015, as the concept. This should be far cheaper than designing and constructing your own car from scratch. However, the new "Franchised Team" concept may be taking it a little bit to far, but, in theory, it should lead to better racing.
I totally understand William's, Sauber's and Force India's position for the following reasons:
1) They could potentially lose a substantial share of the F1 Constructor's money
Should a Customer Car or "Franchised Team" earn points in the Constructor's Championship? In my opinion, NO, as they haven't "constructed" anything.
2) They could also lose the income from their Pay Drivers
Pay Driver's sponsors could be more inclined to setup a "Franchise Team". The point I think they are missing, is the potential income from their own "Franchise Teams". Red Bull, Ferrari and Mercedes can't make, maintain and operate 10 cars a piece, so their is an opportunity in this for them too!
3) The current Constructors may be at risk of not even qualifying
If we end up with more than 26 cars (which is hopefully likely), teams like Manor will be at significant of not qualifying to race. Should Constructors be given rights over Customer Cars in this regard? (For example, Massa and Vettel probably would not have even raced in Canada two weekends ago, if we had these extra teams.)
What do you think? What specific rules should the FIA be considering to protect the sport and the current Constructors?
Do you think it will produce better racing?