manchild wrote:Personal attacks are always sign of lack of arguments to back up a viewpoint. Teen hormone boosted "fast and furious" ranting without sense for value of human life - that's what it is. Before saying what is sublimed in "well, motorsport is dangerous" a person should realize what death really is. For me safety comes first. For those who favor thrill, drama and their personal pleasure from it all I can say is that they are immature. They should try reading marshaling guidebooks to realize that safety always comes first and that race outcome, scores, spectators, fans and sponsors are of secondary importance in FIA based championships. I'm watching F1 for over 20 years and I've never seen a driver throwing potentially dangerous object on the circuit. In impartial championship that would mean instant disqualification and long term suspension. It is of no significance if a driver is leading the race or not. Life of other drivers, marshals and spectators are not worth less than his potential victory.
If it said that in a racing conduct handbook; ok. But it's a marshal handbook, they don't drive - they're duty is different. What's the basis for comparison to Massa?
Let's go back to Spa 2004 the crashes just after Rouge. Those
CF shards which punctured Button's rear tyre (the most obvious memory of numerous punctures), So I guess that was DIRECTLY and intentional fault of Webber, Sato, Bruni, Pantano crashing into eachother because they conspired to puncture the tyres of Montoya, Button, Coulthard!
Button's tyre blow into Les Combes took out an innocent Minardi. Using your logic we see the brain function of Button:
1) I hate that Minardi driver, let's take him out
2) We are coming to Rouge, let's pick up some CF debris to cause a blow out
They hit as we all know, using your logic and reasoning Button committed an intentional and direct offense and should've been punished for running over CF shards.
You have attacked my arguments as weak, I said what I said because other people for 2+ pages have tried to reason with you, but you refuse to even acknowledge other views. You are so attached to your own view you really don't consider anything at else at all.
Where did he rip it off anyway? On the pit straight, easy to avoid debris there. (right? I'm not sure, but that's what some have said!)
You make an exaggerated ridiculous deal out of most things (which happen to involve MS, Massa, Ferrari - I'm not sure about Kimi yet). I don't see anyone here complaining weather they fans of F1 or fans of a team.
pRo, what's a term to describe something really wide?
(Again above I'm saying it indirect, but MC would probably call it direct

You didn't answer if you knew the difference between murder and manslaughter (which I seriously though would get your thoughts straightened out within reason after I made that personal attack). And that is the best and simplest analogy I could give, and you didn't even mention it! Excellent!
As for Hamilton's tyre failure I voted driving style but would also weigh in bad luck. Car was simply too stiff (obviously preference of a stiff or soft car is part of style) and too much energy transmitted into the Right front.