Many poor people are in that country exactly because people like this guy exploit them using everything from caste system across politics and crime to pure tyranny. They are 21st century feudals.mcdenife wrote:What does this mean? That because there are many poor people in his country or that because he is indian he cannot have acquired his wealth legitimately? That he robbed and exploited his people to become wealthy?
25% of population in India lives BELOW level of poverty. This means that almost whole of India population is poor. In society where average salary isn't enough to provide decent life billionaires are not made thanks to hard work but because of dirty work. Russian billionaires, East European billionaires, Indian billionaires etc.
Wealth acquired legitimately? - No, not in a starving country. They are rich because they control the system, the government. Since they are the judge and the jury, whole country salves to them and their enrichment. Law works only one way and never checks the legality and origins of their profit - because they are the law. Politicians are just small fires sucking up to them in order to get pieces of bread during their mandate by returning favors after elections. That's how system in such countries works.
If you think that he worked for a dollar a day than bought one apple and shined it, sold it for two... and done it billion times to become a billionaire well, what can I say...continue believing.
What I'm basically objecting is entrance of dirty money in F1. Billion of people in India finance richness of these guys because they are forced to do so. Instead of working for several hundred dollars per month they work for few dollars while the difference goes in pockets of these modern feudals.
If he can be as rich as a person having same business in UK or USA than why can't his workers be paid the same? How come? Same profit, same luxury, same wealth and workers treated like medieval peasants - given only what their bosses think is enough to make them functional enough to be able to work and nothing more.
Dying before reaching a pension is a must. Paying someone after he aged and stopped bringing profit! NO! Social security, medications, education? NO!
21st century slavery, that's what it is.
"Team India" owner is throwing a multi million dollar parties while millions of his countryman are starving or dying without medications. Really patriotic indeed. "Team selfish prick" is what he should call it.
For 80.000.000 he could have opened several factories in India and give jobs to thousands of his countryman while still making profit. The money he blew on Spyker purchase is just a thing for his personal pleasure and nothing more.