Spyker Sold :(

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Joined: 21 Jan 2007, 17:40


manchild wrote:
mcdenife wrote:What does this mean? That because there are many poor people in his country or that because he is indian he cannot have acquired his wealth legitimately? That he robbed and exploited his people to become wealthy?
Many poor people are in that country exactly because people like this guy exploit them using everything from caste system across politics and crime to pure tyranny. They are 21st century feudals.

25% of population in India lives BELOW level of poverty. This means that almost whole of India population is poor. In society where average salary isn't enough to provide decent life billionaires are not made thanks to hard work but because of dirty work. Russian billionaires, East European billionaires, Indian billionaires etc.

Wealth acquired legitimately? - No, not in a starving country. They are rich because they control the system, the government. Since they are the judge and the jury, whole country salves to them and their enrichment. Law works only one way and never checks the legality and origins of their profit - because they are the law. Politicians are just small fires sucking up to them in order to get pieces of bread during their mandate by returning favors after elections. That's how system in such countries works.

If you think that he worked for a dollar a day than bought one apple and shined it, sold it for two... and done it billion times to become a billionaire well, what can I say...continue believing.


What I'm basically objecting is entrance of dirty money in F1. Billion of people in India finance richness of these guys because they are forced to do so. Instead of working for several hundred dollars per month they work for few dollars while the difference goes in pockets of these modern feudals.

If he can be as rich as a person having same business in UK or USA than why can't his workers be paid the same? How come? Same profit, same luxury, same wealth and workers treated like medieval peasants - given only what their bosses think is enough to make them functional enough to be able to work and nothing more.

Dying before reaching a pension is a must. Paying someone after he aged and stopped bringing profit! NO! Social security, medications, education? NO!

21st century slavery, that's what it is.

"Team India" owner is throwing a multi million dollar parties while millions of his countryman are starving or dying without medications. Really patriotic indeed. "Team selfish prick" is what he should call it.

For 80.000.000 he could have opened several factories in India and give jobs to thousands of his countryman while still making profit. The money he blew on Spyker purchase is just a thing for his personal pleasure and nothing more.
I thought this forum was for chatting about F1, not politics just keep it that way! My sister lives in india, and yes it isn't the best place to live but it is improving! And don't blame Mr Mallya for the poverty in the country that's ridiculous, he was smart and made good use of his money, it always seems some people are always jealous of the rich, why? If you want to have more money, be smart, work harder or just shut up. Don't blame the rich people and keep robbing them of their money, which they earned themselves.

Another example is Lakshmi Mittal of mittal steel he lived on bare floors when was young but he worked hard to achieve what he achieved. I see no reason to blame him either.

And this comes from a normal chap who grew up in terraced house with no wealth. I want to achieve something; for that I will work hard without constantly looking up to the rich!

Sorry about that this will be my last political orientated post in this thread!

BTW; Money is Formula 1, as well as formula 1 is money, no money = no F1 always has been like this and always will be. If you don't like the idea go and watch a marathon!

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


As we speak at least 250.000.000 there lack food. I'm speaking for the sake of their welfare not because I envy Mr. Team India. People like him are the ones who define politics and salaries and since he is one of the top 700 richest people in the world I'm sure his influence in India is huge.

So... I don't give a *hit how dedicated to F1 he might be. I care about millions of people and children who are hungry as we speak thanks to actions of these modern feudals and I don't like seeing such characters in noble and knighthood sport as F1 is (or at least used to bee).

Joined: 05 Mar 2007, 12:05
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Manchild is right again

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kurtiejjj; F1 is politics wrapped up glossy corporate spiel.

Joined: 05 Apr 2007, 17:44
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Away from politics.

The thing that bothers most of us in Spyker being sold (apart from poverty in India) is that it looks awfully like the start of MF1 Racing, if you recall that team.


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Yup, but with the difference that Alex Shnaider never defined his team as "team Russia"...

Joined: 05 Apr 2007, 17:44
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You must have missed all the fuss about the 'russian team' (with no russians). You should have read the Russian press! #-o


:roll: :lol: :roll:

Narain looks so funny wearing that russian 'ushanka' hat :lol: :lol:


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Classy handbrake in the second pic!
"Whether you think you can or can't, either way you are right."
-Henry Ford-

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Classy handbrake in the second pic!
"Whether you think you can or can't, either way you are right."
-Henry Ford-

Joined: 11 Sep 2007, 11:58


Quite a lot of uninformed drivel about India here. Vijay Mallya earned the bulk of his money by being the owner of India's largest, and the word's second largest, brewery. Selling beer and whisky, when a fair amount of the population like a drink, is a profitable exercise. Who would have thought? And yes, you can run a business in India without slave or child labour. I am unfamiliar with Kingfisher's operations, but I suspect they don't involve an army of children operating the vats.

As for India being a 'starving country' with quarter of a billion lacking food, where do you get your statistics? A time machine with a direct link to 1940? India has been capable of feeding her population since the Green Revolution of the 1970s.

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


Don't forget that he is a politician too and that he inherited his fathers wealth that obviously dates from their Raja title. So he didn't earn a thing but only increased wealth his ancestors gained through exploitation of poor including slaves and child labor. Such wealths made on exploitation under caste system should be nationalized because those who made that money for their owners and bosses never got paid for the work they've done.

https://www.cia.gov/library/publication ... os/in.html
Population below poverty line: 25% (2002 est.)

Despite impressive gains in economic investment and output, India faces pressing problems such as the ongoing dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir, significant overpopulation, environmental degradation, extensive poverty, and ethnic and religious strife
Population 1.129.866.154, 25% = 282.466.538 below poverty line. If 1/4 is below poverty line than probably 2/4 and more are very poor. I dare to guess that over 1 billion is poor and that all of middle class and well situated are among remaining 129.866.154.

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Joined: 02 Mar 2007, 14:32


There's an "interview" with

Vijay Mallya on the official F1 website (the quotation marks because there are obvious overlapping interests between the two parties). There's some worthwhile information in there besides the rather predictable spin, nonetheless. This might be a positive development, if it's made to work:
Q: Before you made your offer, did you consider starting your own team, given the new opportunities that will arise next season with the new customer-car regulations?
VM: I analysed the situation and there was a fundamental issue: Spyker is a constructor team - and all new teams that possibly will come into existence in ‘08 are not constructors. I clearly wanted to be a constructor.

Q: So you still intend the team to build its own car?
VM: That is correct.


Q: Will you involve Indian companies in the technical development of the team? The technology sector is one of the fastest growing in India…
VM: I will, for sure, leverage whatever technology is available in India to add for the benefit of the team. This is a process I have to analyse in the months ahead.
Perhaps he foresees that at some point, an Indian car manufacturer will want to get involved on the engine side of things, making his team the prime option available. There's certainly a pretty large IT and aeronautics industry in India already. This would require things moving forward very fast indeed, but given the potential I wouldn't discount that possibility either.

Something I expect manchild to have a field day with, though :wink: ...
Q: Bernie Ecclestone once said that to be successful in Formula One requires a dictatorial business style. What will your style be?
VM: I have to do what I have to do to, and if that implies being a dictator then I will be a dictator!
http://www.formula1.com/news/interviews ... /6752.html

Edit: ... things seem to be moving along. If this report proves accurate, the very near future will also hold an Indian GP: Gurgaon will have F1 circuit (link). That would fit the picture emerging here.

Joined: 11 Sep 2007, 11:58


manchild wrote:Don't forget that he is a politician too and that he inherited his fathers wealth that obviously dates from their Raja title.
What Raja title? His father was the son of an army officer, and he died young. Vijay inherited a profitable company and has expanded it greatly. I'm fairly sure slaves and children weren't involved.
I dare to guess that over 1 billion is poor and that all of middle class and well situated are among remaining 129.866.154.
The middle class is usually estimated at around 250,000 and rising. That doesn't change the fact that there a lot of very poor people in India. However, they are not starving. Obviously that doesn't mean there isn't a major problem that needs dealing with, but even if all of Mallya's money was redistributed amongst the Indian poor, rather than spent on F1 cars, it wouldn't solve anything.

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MC, take a deep breath and get over the fact he's wealthy, and get over yourself. Just because someone has alot of money doesn't mean they acquired it through evil practices. The robin hood, 'steal from the rich and give to the poor' mentality is wrong. Why should someone be succesful without being made out to be a bad guy? Why do the wealthy have to give to someone who isn't? Why didn't you bring this guy up before he started thinking about buying an F1 team?

Bill Gates is worth an assload of money, but I'm not mad he is, and he shouldn't be ridiculed for not giving his money away to poor people. It's not wrong of him to do what he wants with his money, and no one should criticize him for what he does with it, unless it is illegal. Just because you have a car doesn't mean you are wrong for not giving everyone without one a ride to work. Get over yourself MC, stop hating someone who's rich. Just because you aren't worth 700 million bucks doesn't mean he shouldn't be.

Joined: 28 Jul 2006, 00:34


Ray wrote:Bill Gates is worth an assload of money, but I'm not mad he is, and he shouldn't be ridiculed for not giving his money away to poor people.
Somewhat unlucky example: http://www.gatesfoundation.org/default.htm and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_and_M ... Foundation :), but your point definitly remains.