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According to Bild, Montezemolo and Todt are having major issues with each other. They say there are rumours whether Todt will continue at all. Also Ross Brawn would be interested in coming back, if Todt leaves.
Apparently they also had issues about Kimi. Seems that Montezemolo was the one who actually got Kimi and thinks of him as #1, while Todt stands behind Massa.
Wonder if there's any truth in these? Anyone read this anywhere else?
Formula 1, 57, died Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007
Born May 13, 1950, in Silverstone, United Kingdom
Will be held in the hearts of millions forever
Rest In Peace, we will not forget you
Not seen anything about this but it wouldn't surprise me as the upper management at Ferrari have a habit of messing with things, would be interesting to see what Ross would do as manager of the racing division.
I can see why they are at loggerheads over the drivers tho as Kimi appears to lack work ethic and less face it for the amount he is rumored to be getting paid he's not doing the job.
If you can read this your connection is faster than 56k
just read similar to pros post. same source so its still speculation
I think Ferrari under Ross brawn would be a step closer to a sporting team rather than a business but you never know.
i think Kimi is a bit laid back for hot blooded Europeans and suspect he wouldn't have got this far in his driving career had he not had a proper work ethic
pRo wrote:According to Bild, Montezemolo and Todt are having major issues with each other. They say there are rumours whether Todt will continue at all. Also Ross Brawn would be interested in coming back, if Todt leaves.
Apparently they also had issues about Kimi. Seems that Montezemolo was the one who actually got Kimi and thinks of him as #1, while Todt stands behind Massa.
Wonder if there's any truth in these? Anyone read this anywhere else?
Don't know if you've seen this article, but I thought it makes for some fascinating reading. I think it may shed some (maybe alot of) light on your question.
i dont want to cross polinate topics here but if all this in fighting in ferrari was going on since the begining of last year maybe this could be another reason why Nigel Stepney was so keen to hand out private information in the hopes of building relationships with other teams and then jumping ship before the ferrari house came crashing down.
Welcome superstring, and I notice, from "God's country". Nice place, I lived there for two years.
I see the signs myself, that not all things are rosy on the "Good Ship Lollipop", oops, Ferrari. In the post-Schumacher era, the team is no longer the focused organization is was, and in fact, is beginning to resemble the farcical group of competent, but still clowns that ran Ferrari in the past. Everyone on their own agenda, and winning is just an afterthought.
Most of the younger fans did not witness the years before Schumacher in Ferrari, but it was a joke. Ferrari had a huge budget, good drivers such as Alesi, but poor results. Sort of what it's like with Toyota these days.
Schumacher has retired, and no longer haunts the Ferrari pits. Stepny became disenfranchised and turned rogue. Brawn took a "sabattical" (more like just put some distance between himself and all the crap about to happen), and Todt became more powerful. Much too powerful, and it shows. Don't expect Brawn back, Todt enjoys his power too much. I expect Honda or Toyota to snatch him up.
Ferrari is on the decline, they have not won the driver's or constructor's titles for three years now (yea, they will have the most manufacturer's points at year's end.... the records will have an * asterisk). Their absolute precision and meticulous preparation is lacking, mistakes now happen on the track and in their pits. Cracks are developing, and we enter a new era.
That article was shown on this forum at the time of Schumacher's retirement. But when I read it, it makes me want to dislike the gnome Todt all over again.
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