Fans have been expressing a lot of dissatisfaction with their overall assessment of F1 for numerous reasons. Often criticisms concern specific issues which currently make F1 "less than ideal" for some fans and there is no end of debate and suggestions on how to make F1 racing more entertaining. Even though the F1 package might not be perfect, I am convinced that more often than not, F1 usually delivers an exciting seasons worth of racing thrills right down to a cliff-hanger!
Without trying to influence the result, can I ask members to select which of the last ten seasons of F1 they found to be "Exciting" or "Entertaining". By "Exciting" I mean a season that has held your attention throughout and one which, on reflection, you could exhale and say "now that was fun"! Even if a your favourite driver or team did not prevail that year, or issues were less than ideal, please try to be fair and honest.
Also Please list your TOP FIVE seasons in a post and indicate the TOTAL number of F1 seasons you voted "Exciting".
**In listing TOP 5, if you cannot separate them, put them in the same line, otherwise use five lines. If you cannot list up to five, use N/A.**
My Top Five Exciting Seasons:
Total seasons voted: 8/10.