Hi all,
Here are some photos I took at Donnington a couple of weeks ago. I have a couple of questions about the F1 cars if thats ok?
http://picasaweb.google.com/adavidm/Wor ... enault2007
Firstly, the R26 diffuser looks quite simple. Have they swapped out the 'proper' one for a dummy here? I would assume that Renault would not wan't the public snapping close-ups of a competitive design?
<img src="http://lh6.google.com/adavidm/RvbMW9rsq ... C01087.JPG" />
The tyres also appear to be non-racing variants. I assume this is so the team can't benefit from testing? They did have some used, grooved, Potenzas there as showpieces and people were peeling the marbles off as keepsakes!
<img src="http://lh3.google.com/adavidm/RvbM6Nrsq ... C01090.JPG" />
Second. the tubo renault (don't know the designation, sorry), doesn't appear to have anything to speak of, diffuser-wise. Is this because more work was done underbody and the diffuser was less important, or had aero just not got to that stage yet?
<img src="http://lh6.google.com/adavidm/RvbMd9rsq ... C01096.JPG" />
Thirdly, on the picture with the R26 on the lift, you can see just how complex the bodywork is around that area. Does all that complexity hide in the aero "shadow" of something further forward, or is that area just naturally messy from an airflow point of view?
<img src="http://lh6.google.com/adavidm/RvbM89rsq ... C01092.JPG" />
Finally, aren't Senna's JPS Lotus's the best looking F1 cars ever!?
<img src="http://lh4.google.com/adavidm/RvbRrdrsq ... C00045.JPG" />
Thanks for your patience!
EDIT - Inlined some thumbnail pictures, originals in the first link