No I am simply not a fan of Dennis and Hamiltons "lojality-ethics".Tom wrote:I agree Hamilton was stupidly agressive behind the safety car but under racing conditions he drove fairly (and super quick!) all race.
I don't think Alonso's problem is pressure, I think he's had an unlucky series of events which has led to him not getting the most out of his team and some problem today (driver error or something worse I daren't comment) I was watching with some Spaniards and a Japanese guy, none of them find Hamilton a particular threat to Alonso phsycologically, although we all had a good laugh at James Allan. Aparently there is a Spanish equivilant.
I don't like the media take on him but Lewis himself seems like a great guy, boy done good I say, congratulate him and wish him luck for the future. I've no doubt he'll see hard times in F1 but I think he'll spend a large percentage of his career at the top, one way or another.
As for Torso, I bet you drive a shi**y little hatchback with gay stickers all over it, lots of cringeworthy fibergass and plastic slapped on and an exhaust you could fit your head in. And I bet you think its the dogs bollocks. You just strike me as that kind of guy.
yea when you cant see anything except a red intensity light. Good job, why don't you go try it..Belatti wrote:clap clap clap, congratulations Lewis! You deserve it! No matter what press, Alonso or anyone says, Lewis Hamilton was the best in doing what gives you a WDC (collecting more points than others)
I really enjoyed the race and was expecting to see a winner with another car apart from Ferrari or McLaren, anyway, it was really exiting, it should rain more often.
And one more thing, I didnt understood those 19 laps with safety car and drivers saying "they should stop the race", racing is racing, a sport for men (and ladies with guts), races should start and the ones who doesnt wanna risk can always retire voluntarily.
Follow that light then, and maybe with a faster pitstop you could sorpass it!bizadfar wrote: yea when you cant see anything except a red intensity light. Good job, why don't you go try it..Typical fan
The problem is, if you brake a split second later than it, you're in the back of it, as we saw a few times that day. How fast does an F1 car brake, too fast almost for that.Belatti wrote:Follow that light then, and maybe with a faster pitstop you could sorpass it!bizadfar wrote: yea when you cant see anything except a red intensity light. Good job, why don't you go try it..Typical fan
And from some of the ridiculous comments/criticisms, some even (misguided or misplaced) against his dad, you would have to add forth reason:What about Melborne this year, Kimi, easily the fastest of anybody, walked to the chequered flag and then said "I nearly fell asleep in the car", nobody critisised him for that. And rightly so. At the end of the day, the majority of lewis haters, dislike him for one of three reasons:
1. They like Fernando
2. They like Ferrari and/or one of Ferrari's drivers
3. They don't like a rookie upsetting the form book i his first season (how dare he?!)
I think most people liked Hamilton up untill he stamped Alonso as "illojal" for speaking the truth about how McLaren and their drivers had acces to stolen information from Ferrari.Spencifer_Murphy wrote:LOL...touchy subject mcdenife, but yes.
btw with my last post I didn't try to sound like people have no right to dislike him lol, of course people can. Just like how I disliked Schumi and others didnt.
I was just saying that MOST Lewis anti-fans dislike him for some rather rediculous reasons. The others all have their reasons and that fair enough obviously. Some people may just not like the way he comes across on TV - thats fine, I can understand that people may not like his apparent arrogance (in my post above I was trying to say that, sure you may not like the arrgance, but isn't it kinda to be expected?).
But some people just dont like him because; well - I went on holiday to the canary islands, I was wearing my Lewis Mclaren Team T-Shirt and a local guy smiled and asked (as he couldn't see the name or number on the shirt) "Hamilton or Alonso?" and I relpied "Both" - he looked totally perlpexed as if to say "You can't support both - you have to choose one or the other"
Which I don't understand, I have supported FA for years, now just because I have a local hero to support why should I suddenly conform to an ideal that I must hate all his rivals, including my previous favourite?
Its perplexing how FA beat MS, two seasons in a row, but has now been beaten by LH, in the same car, during their first season together. Obviously mind games aren't enough to win you a DC.Fan Solo wrote:The way I see it with Lewis's recent soundbites is that hes in the running for the WDC with Alonso who is a master of mindgames.