This issue with starting on the wrong it just me that thinks that Ferrari were actually saved some embarrasment by being hauled in for being on the inters? Instead of bemoaning the already apologised for breakdown in communications, they should be looking at their own decision to gamble on the inters. If they'd have tried to race on them they would have been no where. I think they would have crashed, Massa's spin under the safety car should have had them scrabbling for the extreme wets, after all if they didn't they'd have ended up at the back anyway.
So in a way the FIA stewards tried to do them a favour and stop them making a stupid mistake, it's unfortunate that the message didn't get through, but Ferrari made a huge error anyway, the fact they continue to blame the stewards afterwards seems like they are trying to shift the focus off their screw up.
I'd just love it after all this it was Ferrari's own mail server that caused the delay lol.