I agree, but therein lies the problem, they need R.Brawn in order to get the entire team running smoothly, effectively, and efficiently. But if RB returns, Ferrari have to realize that he is not getting any younger and he won't be here too long, retirement isn't too far away. So it's either get better without him now, or let him make things better for a few years or so, and then be "screwed" without him later. Tough decisions for sure, as Ferrari are in deep water, and its not getting any lower for the time being. Very few departments within the team are operating well, they can't even measure the damn fuel in Massa's tank correctly!allan wrote:i think jappan was an illustration of the whole season for Ferrari....
They made countless mistakes and showed they were left shaken after Michael and Ross's departures... Michael will not come back for sure, but they do need Brawn back ASAP!
We can at least hope and pray that '07 was a "transition" season and that '08 will be a lot better.