What a joke of a post. Alonso didn't threaten to spill the beans cause of some holyer than thou attitude. He threatened it cause he wanted No.1 status and for the team to solely back him for the WDC. Alonso put Dennis in a corner and if I did that to my boss in a fit of being childishly selfish I too would expect the team and everyone in it (inc. Hamilton) to be suitably unimpressed. To Hamilton, Alonso is now a fallen idol. Alonso was cheating remember, and then threatened Dennis with the fact he had. How EXACTLY is it therefore wrong of Hamilton to be unhappy with Alonso's behaviour and therefor defend the team?Torso wrote:
I think most people liked Hamilton up untill he stamped Alonso as "illojal" for speaking the truth about how McLaren and their drivers had acces to stolen information from Ferrari.
From that point everything Hamilton says and does will be measured in a different context. His arrogance is no longer from taht of a fresh-pr*ck rooke that has yet to learn his place but rather from a person that is willing to accept cheating...
And that in his first season.
Shame on Hamilton.
You sir, have seemingly taken all the "facts" tossed them up in the air and then forgotten what went where, all very convinently to fuel your own desire to bitch about someone you obviously are desperate to winge about.
Sore loser perchance?