Voting system updates - Call for suggestions

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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


notsofast wrote:For upvoting, use a much bigger button that says "This is an informative technical post".

For downvoting, disallow it if the current number of votes is zero. There's no value in negative votes.
This is also a good idea, and I would also add (if possible) a mandatory comment to elaborate why you give a downvote so we can tell that you really disagree with what is stated in the post and you are not just downvoiting coz you have a bad day or something.
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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


Its an interesting subject and I am sure that there is probably no right answer to please everyone.

My problem with it is that its meant to be used to upvote posts which are technically valid and correct but the nature of F1 means that very few people actually know the truth so a completely false statement can be considered fact because a number of people also believe the same rumour/theory/thought upvoted it.

There was a post in one thread that was just a complete load of rubbish, I was there at the time of what the poster claimed to happen and knew it wasnt true. So I corrected the poster and then I recieved two downvotes.

But then again there are people like ESP who post alot of great information who's votes reputation reflects there contribution.

Who knows? I dont. I suppose the real question is: Is an imperfect system better than no system?
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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


Its a completely useless system. I know which guys i rate highly and i dont need some stars next to their bame to tell me how awesome they are or whatever purpose the stars have.

I even contacted Turbo once to remove voting from one of my threads because it was getting silly.
I merely posted graphs and a thank you is more valued then 50 stars.

Bhall even made a new account for what i assume are the same reasons.
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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


bauc wrote:
turbof1 wrote:What makes this silly, is the contrast with an other post from me in the Red Bull team thread where I made quite a dry joke about their CASIO sponsor. Effort? 10s. It received 4 upvotes. It gives me the feeling people value the package much higher then the content.
This is true,I was one of those who give thumbs up on your CASIO joke simply coz it was funny. The point here is that you/we need to understand that in today's world, wherever we look when we are using our PC's, or Mobile devices on all of the social media platforms we have the like & dislike buttons and we have become so familiar to them that we simple press it without giving it too much thought. For this type of forum, were people give great effort to create a post which includes tons of different data & analysis you cant just go with thumbs up or down option in order to have a respectful feedback from the readers and fellow forum members. Maybe a 1-5 scale option with fully disagree -> fully agree options can work better, what do you think?

I appreciate yours and Phill's honesty on this, as well that you found it funny. For the record, the moderator rights applied allow me to view who voted me. It's a little bit of an unsettling advantage I have, although I can not and will not use that to benefit. I will neither reward or penalize it.

Maybe something as simply as given it an other name and different icons could make a world of difference. How about we call it "technical profficiency" and replace the upvote icon with a gear, and the downvote button with a red gear striped through?

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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


turbof1 wrote:
bauc wrote:
turbof1 wrote:What makes this silly, is the contrast with an other post from me in the Red Bull team thread where I made quite a dry joke about their CASIO sponsor. Effort? 10s. It received 4 upvotes. It gives me the feeling people value the package much higher then the content.
This is true,I was one of those who give thumbs up on your CASIO joke simply coz it was funny. The point here is that you/we need to understand that in today's world, wherever we look when we are using our PC's, or Mobile devices on all of the social media platforms we have the like & dislike buttons and we have become so familiar to them that we simple press it without giving it too much thought. For this type of forum, were people give great effort to create a post which includes tons of different data & analysis you cant just go with thumbs up or down option in order to have a respectful feedback from the readers and fellow forum members. Maybe a 1-5 scale option with fully disagree -> fully agree options can work better, what do you think?

I appreciate yours and Phill's honesty on this, as well that you found it funny. For the record, the moderator rights applied allow me to view who voted me. It's a little bit of an unsettling advantage I have, although I can not and will not use that to benefit. I will neither reward or penalize it.

Maybe something as simply as given it an other name and different icons could make a world of difference. How about we call it "technical profficiency" and replace the upvote icon with a gear, and the downvote button with a red gear striped through?
I think your proposal above its a solid ground on which we can build on and improve the rating system in the future.
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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


I've also made a few observations in regards to voting;

I often see posts that have received an upvote (due to finding them insightful or a contribution, sometimes probably because it's a point that others might agree with), only then to later see it get "downvoted" again to its neutral state. I know for a fact it's not because the vote was removed - as I've seen it on some of my own posts, and there are two separate votes, an upvote and a later downvote.

The downvote is interesting, because it raises the question if;

it was only done because some poster feels the system was misused with the upvote and wanted to "neutralize" it

as an instrument to take a side in an ongoing debate/argument between two or multiple posters (i.e. to lower the posts credibility)

Simply because one "disagreed" with it or found one sentence among a hundred that might have been incorrect (perhaps it also lacked a "IMO" before it) to then legitimatize the downvote

I think the psychological aspect is interesting, because some posts that have been "upvoted" seem to attract more "downvotes" than if the post in question wasn't voted at all.

This and more is quite easily noticeable in topics where there is some form of debate going on where it is my impression that voting is used as a form of siding with a party (or against it). I'm happy for the system to be used as a means to "agree with someone" - it's quite visible to see that many posts, even one liners like Turbos Casio joke get upvoted, so why not upvote other posts that people think are good points being raised - but given that the point system is attached or signalizes a posters credibility makes the downvote more meaningful and subject to abuse.
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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


I think the ambiguity of the system is the major issue. People can up vote and down vote in obscurity. On other forms, when the voting/ranking (whatever you want to call it) system is open for the world to see people act differently. Voting is usually just a positive thing, because people will call others out on B.S. down votes.
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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


I have downvoted in the past where a post has upvotes and is nothing more than an opinion i.e. has no technical value or basis.

I am pretty sure I have been downvoted where I have received upvotes for posts that others agreed with rather than technical input.

I think its a nice way for the community to self moderate.

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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


Steven wrote:People who are found to use the system the wrong way are notified or will get their permissions revoked.

As for the downvotes on some of your posts, I can say that some of these posts have raised a few eyebrows among the moderators as well...
Are you confirming that the moderation panel also issues anonymous downvotes too then, Steven?

Simracer, a couple of posts above yours- expressed concern with his perception of such biased & heavy-handed instrusion..
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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


Here's a further list of ideas and thoughts
  • I know some sites where downvotes subtract a point from the voter's rating to discourage useless downvotes. Anybody think that may be a good idea?
  • Different icons for up and downvotes may be a good thing. Designs welcome. Still, I also believe the upvotes can be done for contributions that are not technical, but still informative for the community. A gear may then again give a different impression... not sure though.
    Perhaps we can add a lightbulb/gear/... aside of the rating, remove the thumbs and open a popup with simple up and downvote buttons when clicking on the bulb/rating?
  • Phil, your comment about the direct link between post ratings and user ratings has been mentioned before. I then suggested this: would it help if we make this more abstract? Something like "0", "10+", "50+", "100+" or something. Thougths?
  • @JAW, mods can vote like any other member. I've used it frequently to upvote stuff in technical threads. So far, I have yet to see any abuse there.

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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


Steven wrote:Phil, your comment about the direct link between post ratings and user ratings has been mentioned before. I then suggested this: would it help if we make this more abstract? Something like "0", "10+", "50+", "100+" or something. Thougths?
Sounds like a good idea, it would make everyone be less on edge or even unaware about every single +1 and -1.
In most cases, the majority is below the average.

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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


I don't use the voting system often and only have down voted a few times
I think if some one has posted something that is incorrect, then it's easier and much more beneficial to post a correction along with an explanation as to why their post was incorrect, then just hitting the down vote button with incorrect,
that's not going to help the original poster and anyone else that maybe fallowing along.
Plus it's far more palpable to swallow if your the one who posted the incorrect statement, myself included

As for an improved voting system I couldn't tell you a better idea, I think some people will still abuse what ever you can come up with

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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


My suggestion is to take care of stalkers that go back to two month's post to down vote a person. Another two instances of anonymous obsessive behaviour like that :lol:.

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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


turbof1 wrote:
@Btw Turbo - I know how you feel. In fact, I feel a bit guilty, I actually upvoted that Casio post.
We do have a reputation counter just like you guys. It is visible to us on the user control panel, but not to the other members. It does not really matter for me since I actually have a high reputation, which I don't really think to deserve. I simply don't like the impression it gives that we have to hide that.
I give you and other mods extra upvotes because your score is not visible. I figured you guys didn't have a score at all! :wink: I would not upvote you all as much if I could see the 200 points next to your name. Really isn't relevant at all to site as whole, but I thought I'd point that out.

edit oh I guess it's 574, who knew that we can see it on your profile page

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Re: Voting system updates - Call for suggestions


BanMeToo wrote:
turbof1 wrote:
@Btw Turbo - I know how you feel. In fact, I feel a bit guilty, I actually upvoted that Casio post.
We do have a reputation counter just like you guys. It is visible to us on the user control panel, but not to the other members. It does not really matter for me since I actually have a high reputation, which I don't really think to deserve. I simply don't like the impression it gives that we have to hide that.
I give you and other mods extra upvotes because your score is not visible. I figured you guys didn't have a score at all! :wink: I would not upvote you all as much if I could see the 200 points next to your name. Really isn't relevant at all to site as whole, but I thought I'd point that out.

edit oh I guess it's 574, who knew that we can see it on your profile page
Oh that's interesting. I did not know others could actually see it on the profile page.