ah look at the attitude.
'comply to my views or it is boring'. and socially provocatively slightly agitating replys.
it's simple.
it does not belong in F1 it belongs in other GP categories. leave it for the demised A1GP and the GP2-etc like series.
F1 is not boring, it has races which are boring and it has races whis aren't. if any, there could be the issue of having too much races. less races and more engines would solve a lot of the 'boredom'. would be cheaper and easier to realise compared to a new race format added to the already busy schedule.
second of all, there were many races not at all boring this year. i guess people nowadays have a attention span of a goldfish if not every minute a mario-kart upgrade or explosion happens. probably due to redbull drinks and Grand Theft Auto games.
also, people glorify the past as if it wasn't boring. yeah right. he performed amazingly but schumacher constantly winning was dead-boring.
people just realised the boredom less because
1) they watched the races on free cable tv wich included many ADS where you had commercial breaks thus missing parts of the race and got excited waiting to see what you missed
2) then you actually missed something and you got excited by the replays
3) or you missed nothing and something exciting happens when you watch
4) or nothing happens but you still got excited waiting
5) you got a drink and chips running to the kitchen hoping to miss nothing [more active less sleepy time]
6) the tv stations only showed 15 minutes before the race and perhaps the driver interview immediately afterwards, opposed to being able to get unwantedly bored by the full hour preview, then the race, and then the boring aftermath. simply a result of becoming lazy and slow after watching too long TV.
7) adless commerciallless tv thus seeing the entire race without breaks giving the illusion of making it more boring

explosions and extreme (fake) action on TV every minute on even a friggin cooking show has left the audience addicted adn expecting action every minute [like said before].
F1 does not need no sprint race. especially since the format is already being changed so lets await that fun.
and again. you can have your opinion. i can have mine. and others can have theirs. if you only want your opinion, why post? isnt having your opinion enough?