BMW & Williams under investigation!

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Rob W
Joined: 18 Aug 2006, 03:28


You have got to be kidding. How come only those teams were checked? Seems very very convenient that they are the teams separating Lewis from the WDC.

Rob W

Joined: 22 Nov 2004, 02:29


well if the drivers are DQed from WDC points in Brazil due to a technical fault of the team(that may have given the driver advantage), then it would've been a big farce since McLaren's spy-gate outcome somehow allowed them to keep the WDC points(which may also gave drivers the advantage)...due to the of the team...

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Joined: 02 Mar 2007, 14:32


OK, let's take a

technical approach here. Does anyone have the tech specs/drawings of the fuel rig?

Every team has a similar (FIA sanctioned) one and I'd like to know how the fuel temperature is controlled within and where the heat measurement is taken within the system. Is the temperature readily obvious to the technicians and engineers in charge of the refuelling? From what I know I believe so. Do the technical delegates have the same info at all times? That would seem to be the case. One has to presume then that there wouldn't be any sense in cooling the fuel intentionally more than 10 degrees C below the ambient temperature.

I would also like to know whether the temperature was measured directly from the rig with the integrated equipment, or is there a separate control procedure? If so, I'd like to know what the control procedure is and whether it could be affected by things like evaporation or pressure changes (relieving the surrounding driving gas pressure would immediately lower the temperature, simple thermodynamics). I would also like to know how regularly and at what intervals the technical delegates control fuel temperatures over the season.

And so on, and so on. The bottom line being that if the championship is going to be affected by a regulatory technicality that has nothing directly to do with the championship contenders, I'd like to be pretty damn sure I understand every last detail why such action is warranted.

Joined: 28 Jul 2006, 00:34


I wouldn't trust the FIA's ability to tell time correctly at this point.

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I guess some revision to the rules is in order.
1)The rules specify temperature for fuel -in- the car
Problem: There is no system on the cars (nor required in the rules) to actually measure the fuel temperature.
2)The rules specify the ambient temperature for the race as the one determined by FOM.
Problem: Official FIA and Brazilian meteorology sources had temperatures different enough from the one determined by FOM to cast serious doubts about it's accuracy.
Conclusion: There's work to be done on this section of the rules, let's just hope they notice it and sort it out decently by next season.
Solid ruling by the stewards, in my view.

Correction on 2: There's no rule stating the FOM temperature is the only correct source.
(misinterpreted the statement first)

Joined: 22 Nov 2004, 02:29


Mclaren is appealing the more uncertainty continues....

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yes mclaren will oppose the decision and by all right they will
cause if they r illegal then they r illegal

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Joined: 22 Nov 2006, 06:33
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This is rediculous. I understand they want to win the championship, but Lewis was in no postion to catch any of the three drivers that are in question. HE ruined his race for the WDC, not any one else. The transmission glitch really killed his chances more than his mistakes, but his skate into the gravel in China hurt him more. It doesn't matter if the fuel was 10 degrees cooler, his race was done after the transmission glitch hit him. Once again, we have a courtroom battle instead of a race. I wish they'd either race on track, or pick names out of a hat at every race and decide the season that way.

I'm losing my passion for this sport more and more every day. I can't take the bogus politics and liars/cheats in my horrible government in my country, much less a sport I love so much. :(

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Ray wrote:
I'm losing my passion for this sport more and more every day. I can't take the bogus politics and liars/cheats in my horrible government in my country, much less a sport I love so much. :(
The same sentiment here. The 2000 U.S. elections were brilliant by comparison to this F1 season. Will F1 be on CourtTV next year?

Joined: 04 Nov 2006, 00:31


The FIA have been pretty consistant in their penalties and with well reasoned explanations. But perhaps they will find a way to punish the teams thru team points rather than driver DSQs. Maybe hit them with a TV money penalty or dock them one position in the constructor's championship.

IMO, It's just too much of a shock for the fans to see the results of World Champoinship change from what we all saw on TV. Certainly Max must realize that and act accordingly. But the whole situation creates quite a mess which will create more questions than answers no matter how it falls.

I would like to think that Ron Dennis would not like to do this to F1 but since they screwed him royally this year, he is probably feeling some redemption in filing a protest.

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I understand why Ron does waht he does, but I don't like it.
Any time he appeals or protests, its by Holy order. If another team does the same, its the devil.

Joined: 25 May 2005, 19:26


In 1995, also in Brazil, Schumacher and Coulthard were disqualified for using an illegal fuel and Berger was declared the winner. But in the end, Benetton and Williams lost their championship points, but the pilots kept theirs. So maybe the same will happen in this case.

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Joined: 05 Mar 2007, 06:37


Hey Ron didn't you find any fault in the scarlets :P

Ohh I forgot why would you even mention it if there are any :D

Coz you want your Lewis baby to win :lol: