turbof1 wrote:
Well, we probably would give you a warning and a slap on the wrist for profanity, but we could hardly ban someone for basically making sense.
Up to you if you deem profanity worth a warning and a slap on the wrist. As a moderator I will not encourage it, though we life in a free world to make choices and accept their consequences
It does shed a brighter light on that message from the GPDA. I'm sure they are kicking themselves now for not going even more agressive with it. Words like "could jeopardise its future success", “obsolete and ill-structured and prevents progress being made” and "This reflects negatively on our sport" just look like a big understatement now. I'd much rather describe it as"will jeopardise it's outright future", "completely disfunctional and none-structured and makes any progress undone" and "makes us the laughing stock of the world".
The only way we're gonna see change is if when all the drivers show up on Friday for practice, they find that Niki has dusted off his bus from 1982 and they go sight seeing for the day. That's the only way. Right now they say something the fans will agree with them on, then go and sit in the car to do the thing they said they hated.
If you hit F1 right where it hurts, the drivers, the ripple effect for the weekend would be catastrophic for F1. No drivers or even reserve drivers means no cars on track which also means angry fans in the seats. Hell, they probably would join the drivers. What are the FIA going to do? They can't force them in the car. It will send a huge message to whoever is making these decisions that they need to be rid of. That should be one of their terms to get back in the cars. Because the way those in F1's hierarchy have acted this week is appealing, to say the least.
Friendship with Honda ended, Renault is my new (and more reliable) friend.