No respect for your father says it all really.Just_a_fan wrote:It's not about being PC, it's about excluding 50% of the population just because they have tits.autogyro wrote:I thought we were talking about F1 cars, a Healey 3000 is hardly difficult to drive.Just_a_fan wrote:Pat Moss, anyone?
The Simonite sisters were pretty good as well.
I suppose you want a Black lesbian with a burka for the token involvement so as to keep it PC right?
The FIA could make the cars even more 'driver friendly' and they could fit prayer mats in the pits.
Just put them in the fastest car and they would win no problem.
You sound like a typical British male born in the 1930-40s. Bigoted, racist and, no doubt, homophobic. Indeed, you sound a lot like my dad - same generation I guess.
Sad, really, that change scares people so much...
Usual silly lefty comments of course, racist, bigot, homophobic, you forgot Islamaphobic, dont forget that one .
Get it right though, I have NO fear of Islam I just despise the filthy medieval cult and recognise it and the moronic appeasers who support its development in the 21st century world.
Lets be sure on one thing F1 is in a decline and I have yet to see any suggestions with any ba--s that stand a hope in hell of changing that fact.
It is a shame that Bernie is not a younger man as there is NOBODY else who could make the right changes.