Proof That the Renault Formula One Team Cheated!!!
...some may be fooled by the planted stories that Renault struggled to come to grips with the aerodynamics of the new Bridgestone tires...
We won't buy this cover-up.
Because, it is the RS27 itself which will sentence Renault to pay the FIA millions of francs.
After producing a R25 that won eight races, scored 18 podiums, and won Fernando Alonso his first driver's title, and the team a constructor's championship....
And after producing a R26 that won eight races, scored 20 podiums, won Fernando Alonso his second driver's title, and the team a second straight contructor's championship....
The Renault Formula One outdid McLaren themselves by using McLaren technology on the R27.
It is the silver arrow.. er bullet... so to speak.
In 2006, McLaren and their piece of crap MP4-21 missed winning a race for the first time since 1996. Heck, they even had 2007 Formula One driver's champion Kimi Raikkonen at the wheel...
And the damn thing still couldn't win, and nearly couldn't grab a Pole.
But it is clear that Renault not only seized upon the data in hand, but obviously used it in the R27, and nearly one-upped McLaren....
Not only did Renault not win a race for the first time since 2002, they nearly didn't grab a podium. It was only the rain gods at the Japanese Grand Prix that intervened and gifted Renault a podium finish.
So it's clear... Renault have obviously cheated in 2007, because suddenly their success of the past was erased, and their pace resembled the McLaren of 2006.
The case is closed.
Renault is guilty as charged.