So then where should those posts end up? I've asked you personally this question before and still have not got a straight answer to this.turbof1 wrote:Really guys? Speculation in the sense of "what if" and "could have"? In a car thread? I had to grow an extra pair of arms to give a proper expression how I feel about that:
Let me end this little yin yang discussion by the normal procedure: remove and conquer. With that done we interrupt you for an informative message: this is a car thread. Discussion is restricted as according to the guidelines in the first post, to the hardware of the car i.e. the physical parts. Performance in the sense where the car could have ended up in any particular race is not a physical part of a car.
The race thread is too jumbled and make is impossible for people to focus on one car with people talking about different things.
Team thread......errrrr not really as far as I can see. That just leaves us with the car thread. I have always been and will continue to be a supported that individual car data such as lap times or performance for a specific car would go quite well in the car thread.
Then again these are just the musings of a madman