It doesn't matter [to the discussion] how you class them. Effectively we are talking about the millions of people coming into the EU as refugees. If they can be classed refugees from a legal stand point, depends on where they are coming and what they are fleeing from. Example: A person fleeing from a warzone is a refugee. A person fleeing from a poor(er) country and enters another one in search for better opportunity is an (economic) immigrant. Different rules apply, in how long they can stay, under which conditions, if they can work, receive social care etc.
The distinction is not always easy, especially when you effectively have no border control and people just flood into your country or the EU effectively 'paper-less'. Fact is; once these people enter your border, regardless if 'illegal' or not, there is an obligation to help them (under the Geneva convention).
The point I was making, is however you want to class these people from a legal point of view, is that they are here without jobs (they are not allowed to work anyway, at least most countries as they are classed as refugees and shall receive refuge for a limited time). If they
can (=could) work is another matter, one that is unlikely given the sheer numbers of them, the fact that they don't speak your language and possibly also educational barriers. Many of these people are not well educated (enough) to compete on a highly competitive job market, especially not within the EU where we already have the free movement directive and in some countries, minimum-wages that set a high threshold for anyone looking for a job. This has nothing to do if these people are intelligent or not, but how employable they are within the market. Here in Switzerland, many refugees who stay on and become immigrants, still have no jobs and prospect of being employed. They cost money as they live off social care. It's doable, if it's a small quantity that does it, but the system no longer works when too many people fall into this.
The economy is complicated. Creating jobs is not free, it costs money. One way or another, having millions of unemployed people is always going to be a problem, irregardless where they are from. People need a purpose in life. One of the problems will be figuring out if they can stay and if you want to invest in them (invest in integration and education) in the hope they will be capable of being integrated into the market
one day. If not, and we're only looking at a limited refuge, how long will that be? How much will it cost? How well are the people going to be, just "living" without much purpose? And will they leave once it is safe to go back? Will they want to? Will you be able to actually send them back?
The amount of people flooding into the EU is unprecedented. The notion that these people, after having walked thousands of kilometers to reach the EU borders and into Germany, will want to go back, once (if) Syria becomes a safe place again, is doubtful. Their country is in ruins and will be for a very long time. Even if the state starts to send them back, the deportation process is very costly and complicated. You can't just drive them to the border and wink farewell. The easiest is if they leave entirely on their free will, however if they don't, it's a more complicated matter. You need the cooperation of the country they are being sent back to take them back and even then, it's a very costly matter. In practice, the success rate is quite low. And the best thing is; even if they stay on, they still get to receive support from the state. We have cases here of 'illegal immigrants and refugees" that are still here after years and still receive money and many failed attempts of deportation. Bureaucracy at its best.
And Fox, if we should just leave them to it? Depends what precedent you want to set. It's somewhat logical that the system, our social care, everything that we've built up and worked for no longer works when such a large scale immigration happens. And what's next? Whole of Africa too? There are millions of people hungering there, but no one cares because only the fewest actually make it onto ships in an attempt to cross the sea. I've always maintained that help is required and absolutely necessary, but the solution is not taking them all in and worrying about the problems this may cause later.
Cbeck113 wrote:These refugees get money from the government, and it seems some people here think they eat it and don't have to buy food, clothing, household items etc. to survive, which is simply assinine - the money is mostly distributed locally, where the refugees are being housed. This money goes right into the pockets of local business owners, who tend to employee local residents - what a revelation! If the do send money home, then it will be used to get the rest of their families back with them. Look at it as a an economical stimulations program, being directly pumped into local economies, instead of through large companies, who would actually keep a larger cut than the refugees.
So this money from the government... where does that come from? I'll give you a hint; No the government doesn't have a tree growing money. Simply printing "more money" doesn't help either. Where does it come from? What about the cost for housing (that may have to be built) in order to put a roof over their head? Or are these hundredths of thousands of buildings just standing empty somewhere? Are you also aware of the depth most countries are in? What that means?
Also on the topic of Brexit and Sauber (being located in Switzerland):
One this is the current reduced valuation of the British Pound, as well as the EURO. In the short term, this could well help Sauber, who are using the Swiss Frank as the only team right now.
Apparently, the SNB (Swiss National Bank) intervened by buying Euros on the market to maintain an EUR <-> CHF exchange of at least 1.065 - 1.08. This after the Euro dropped quite a bit and the Swiss franc gaining strength last year when the exchange rate was closer to 1:1 (after years of it being 1.25 - 1.5 CHF for 1 EUR). Given Switzerland relies a lot on exports and tourism, it's crucial not to have a too strong Swiss Franc. Sauber is a bit inbetween; As we know, the payment to teams are payed in USD (where the strong Swiss Franc has hurt also), but at the same time, a strong Swiss Franc helps when paying for overseas goods. All in all, I think Brexit and an even stronger Swiss Franc hurts Sauber more than it gains them, which was pretty much the story 2 years ago when the Swiss Franc started to gain strength.