C'mon, boys and girls, breath deeply. Exhale. Smile. Again.
As I'm not fan of any corporation or brand,

, I stand by these two things that in the previous posts seem irreconcilable:
McLaren, the corporation, did not lie.
At least Ron Dennis had thrown himself to the mercy of the court AND the court of history. Had Mr. Dennis tried to "cunningly" covert his actions, he is taking a great risk, not only for himself, but for McLaren, the work of his life, not to mention that, frankly, it does not "fit the guy's profile".
AFAIK, no one has come forward to even
suggest that he knew, not even Ferrari itself.
And, ehem, anyone who suggest he knew,
could have the savoir faire to provide at least a source or a link.
Renault does not deserve a monetary penalty.
was not fined by "stealing the designs", which is something that, BTW, will happen now and in the far future as has happened in the past, unless "they" recreate slavery and "we" are unable to switch jobs forever, like in Middle Age guilds.
was fined because his top designer got information, by phone, from his competitor, about actual strategies, like
pit laps and tire pressures. Mr. Coughlan went as far as transmiting it to the drivers. If that's not unfair advantage, then you tell me what it is.
So, the lesson is clear: stealing designs is
bad but spying on people's actions and decisions is
very bad. I fail to see how to sum up the whole situation in any other way.
In the end, I
can imagine the flak towards FIA had Renault received a heavy penalty. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.