F1 Car of 2007 : McLaren MP4-22

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


Well, everybody knows that red cars go faster... :)

Joined: 05 Mar 2007, 12:05
Location: India


To what conclution are you guys going to arrive after this discussion gets over :?:

Joined: 21 Dec 2005, 11:06


Ciro Pabón wrote:Well, everybody knows that red cars go faster... :)
You know I find it quite incredible that with all of the brains in F1 that, with the exception of Ferrari, the other teams have still not cottoned onto this FACT... the more red paint that you put on the car the faster it goes... not only that but Ferrari have clearly realised that not only is the colour of the paint important, but the tone of it.. did no-one else notice that after Ferrari went from the scarlet to metallic crimson the car got faster and more reliable!

Now, McLaren had some red paint on the car and they were fast... my turn to speculate; if they tried a different red would they go faster? I think yes... only trouble is that Ferrari would undoubtedly protest this as adoption of one of their ideas and reqest that McLaren be excluded from the championship. I believe that at leat 600 of the 780 pages of Ferrari secrets must have related to paint colour.

More evidence of the influence of colour on performance is that the West logo only had a small amount of red in it, the Vodafone logo has much more and the Macca was faster this year than last... case closed...!

This fact also works on road cars; I drive a VW Touran... silver.. slow - what more proof do peolpe need!!

do I qualify for a Ciro award for a nutty post yet?

Joined: 05 Apr 2007, 17:44
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine


I imagine Honda changing livery after RB coming :)


PS: mr. Mallya seems to know about this too

Joined: 21 Dec 2005, 11:06


It just occurred to me that this relationship with paint colour might also apply to drivers... After all Schum's helmet was mostly red and look how fast he was. Kimi's has red on it, so does Alonslo, Massa's is mostly yellow/green (yuk!!) and poor Lewis... - who won the championship? the driver with the most red on his lid!

@ Modbaron... what more proof do you need!! no red at all on the 07 Honda... lots of red on the SA!!

It's flippin' obvious innit!!... but how long before the FIA introduces a limit on the amount of red paint and a 10 year freeze on car colour?

Joined: 03 Jan 2007, 15:51


Mikey, you come in a close second to MC for nutty post :D

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


Mikey_s wrote:... This fact also works on road cars; I drive a VW Touran... silver.. slow - what more proof do peolpe need!!

do I qualify for a Ciro award for a nutty post yet?
(Let's hijack this thread)

Well, glad to know that you're using the most modern way to enhance safety in your car: paint it in silver... :)
... Increasing the proportion of silver cars could be an effective passive strategy to reduce the burden of injury from car crashes...
Car colour and risk of car crash injury: population based case control study

Here's the graph I made from that study:


That's the nutty study of the year (2003). Drivers ethnicity? C'mon, how many colombians can live in New Zealand? JPM drives in NASCAR, not in Super V8. Anyway, stay away from black or green cars, or you'll end like Minardi or Jaguar.

Also, you have been warned: ignore UPS brown trucks to your own peril. :)

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Rob W
Joined: 18 Aug 2006, 03:28


Ciro Pabón wrote:That's the nutty study of the year (2003). Drivers ethnicity? C'mon, how many colombians can live in New Zealand? JPM drives in NASCAR, not in Super V8....
:lol: I live in Auckland. The only Columbian I've met recently was in China a couple of weeks ago and despite being one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met, she was certifiably crazy. She had washing instructions tattooed on her forearm!!! (yes... those symbols for: do not iron, warm wash, don't bleach etc..)


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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


Sorry for going OOT, here are the figures for engine usage, courtesy of Brian Lawrence (at rec.autos.sport.f1.moderated in Usenet). Maybe something can be said about the cars based on it.

Code: Select all

Team          Engine            E#    Km.    Avg. 
BMW Sauber    BMW P86/7         19  16,363   861 
McLaren       Mercedes FO108T   18  14,946   830
Renault       Renault RS27      19  15,677   825 
Toyota        Toyota RVX-07     18  14,667   815 
Ferrari       Ferrari 056       19  14,945   787 
Williams      Toyota RVX-07     19  14,018   743 
Super Aguri   Honda RA807E      19  13,015   685 
Red Bull      Renault RS27      19  12,656   666 
Honda         Honda RA807E      21  13,992   666 
Spyker        Ferrari 056       19  11,766   619 
Toro Rosso    Ferrari 056       19  11,172   588 
                               209 153,217   734
At least you can say that Toro Rosso did not use much the engines.

"E#" means "Number of engines used in 2007".

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Red Bull Renault RS27 19 12,656 666
Honda Honda RA807E 21 13,992 666

Check it out 666, and which were the most unreliable teams.....

So they have to be Red and do more or less than 666km's avg before an engine change.