I have to backup bhall in this one, there is a bit of a mith to the fact that the cars could follow closely in the rosie golden years. I'd concede that they could follow a bit closer, but they still had problems when within a second of the car in front.
Plus I'd say that the current generation of cars can follow closely... for a few corners. It is not that the car performance drops so dramatically because of the dirty air; as t is that the tires, which with 2016 spec tire rules, 2016 levels of material knowledge, 2016 levels of material quality, 2016 levels of live telemetry, 2016 levels of computer analysis of performance... they are used so close to their limit that the dirty air pushes them over the limit after a few corners. I'd argue that this is more an issue with tire life and tire overheating than an issue with the car's performance drop per-se.
And instead of cherry picking, I'll jump straight to the race closest in time to 30 years ago, the 1986 Portuguese grand prix.
We are trying to compare 2016 cars which often are 1 tenth away in performance from the car in front or behind, to 1986 standards:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1986_Port ... Grand_Prix
In quali, there were 3 seconds covering the top 10, 6 seconds from pole to #22.
In the race, by the end, there were 3 cars in the leading lap, 4 cars in the lap behind, 2 cars 2 laps down, 4 cars 3 laps down... and a 60% retirement rate. The cars finished in average about 30 seconds apart, and #4 run out of fuel.
These cars had different tire manufacturers, vastly different engine units, a lot more setup and design freedom and even within teammates, you'd often find 0.5 to 1 second differences in quali.
It is logical that when a car with 1 second in hand found itself behind a slower car,it could give the illusion of following closely for a while. The mid-september 2016 equivalent is Verstappen in the midfield when off-synch or Vettel starting in the back in Singapore... both could pass, which would imply that both could follow closely through some magic.
We are comparing 1986 to modern clone-like cars...
For reference, the race in Estoril in 1986:
From the 4 minute mark to the 10 minute mark, there is an apparent force field hitting any car closer than 8 car lenghts to the car in front. Trains of cars come out of the corners at beautifully regular intervals and somehow nobody in the top 8 seems to muster an attempt at a pass. Go to the 9 minute mark to witness a very superior Williams get very close to an inferior Benetton... to somehow fall prey of an invisible force field behind the Benetton.
In most cases, the majority is below the average.