I don't think so, Ciro, this is what Luca Di Montezemolo had to say to the Gazzetta dello sport:
E i piloti? C'è spazio per Alonso?
"Direi di no. Siamo pienamente soddisfatti di Raikkonen e Massa. Poi la Ferrari negli ultimi anni ha dimostrato di non scegliere i piloti per una o due stagioni, ma pianifica i rapporti per un periodo decisamente più lungo. Massa ha fatto un lavoro straordinario e quando ha mancato il risultato è accaduto per colpa della macchina o della squadra. Raikkonen ha vinto il titolo al debutto con la Ferrari, cosa che era successa solo con Fangio nel 1956. Insomma l'ultimo problema della Ferrari sono i piloti".
My Italian isn't better than yours but it apparently translates to this:
...and the drivers? Is there any room for Alonso?
"I would say no. We are fully satisfied with Raikkonen and Massa. In recent years Ferrari has shown not to choose the drivers for one or two seasons, but for much longer periods. Massa has done an extraordinary job and when he failed the blame was on the car or team. Raikkonen has won the title in his debut season with Ferrari, something which only happened with Fangio in 1956".
I guess that's also some kind of answer for the rumors of the inside battles in Maranello, although you never know...
By the way, this is a little bit off topic but how come nobody commented on Aldo Costa's remarks about next years car? He said it will be a completely new car while in autosport.com they seem to not be convinced, they still claim it is going to be an evolution. A little bit of both?