Hehe, I'll stop
hijacking your thread soon, tomislavp4, but I couldn't resist posting about the crazier side of EVs as well. After all, not everything motivational has to be entirely sane, reasonable or logical ... right? Anyway, here's one prominent outfit sponsored (I think) by A123:
It's the "KillaCycle", doing 0 - 60mph in ~0.9s ... mind you, I've seen a video of a guy getting hurt while doing a burnout with the thing on a sidewalk, a sort of a promo stunt (after commenting to the TV crew that people do get killed on drag motorcycles ... note to self, avoid "famous last words comments" if possible). It sounds incredible, like a hundred belt sanders being revved together. Then there's this bunch:
Don't know exactly what they're doing (and by the look of things they might be wondering about that as well ... or perhaps they're all about "just not giving a damn"). Looks fun though. Sponsored by big names and apparently have done some sort of a pilot for Discovery channel. Killacycle and SuckAmps led me on to this site:
The National Electric Drag Racing Association and I also found an edgy EV publication, very much reminiscent of similar magazines from ICE's heyday (circa 1950 or so):
Btw, nowadays the hottest chicks warm up to EVs and guys who buld and drive them. How shocking. I was left wondering about the photographers' name, though ... (Advisory: If you dislike scantily clad people do not open this link):
Electrifying times, Gaylord Hill Heats Up EVs - link
The KillaCycle, SuckAmps and NEDRA websites sport a guite a number of interesting links, so they're worth exploring. I didn't deem it necessary to reproduce those lists here.