Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008

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Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


Ralf Schumacher said in an interview with Motorsport-total.com: "I will take a break from Formula 1 in 2008 as things look right now. I've got three difficult years at Toyota behind me and Force India is not an option for me. The team starts from scratch so that isn't the right option for me I think."

"Theoretically it is possible to return in 2009 but it won't be easy. Formula 1 is not waiting for anyone."
Poor guy, he thinks FI is not the right option and also theoretically will have chances later :lol:

Admit it Ralph, not even Force India wants you!

Can´t wait to read a Scuderia Russ comment on this :lol:
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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


Thank goodness that the "mobile chicane" won't be racing in F1 next year.. I reckon he should try siting at home counting all the good money after bad he was paid by Toyota =D>
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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


"I will take a break from Formula 1 in 2008 as things look right now"
I suck really bad and nobody will let me drive for them.

"I've got three difficult years at Toyota behind me"
It's been hard to convince them to keep me, but finally the sponsors woke up and realised only one Schumacher is good.

"Force India is not an option for me. The team starts from scratch so that isn't the right option for me I think."
They need as much help as they can get, and hiring me would be taking a step backwards.

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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


Bye bye Ralphie. It's off to touring cars for you.


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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


I thought Ralf would turn out to be one the top drivers back in those days , when he won his first Race in San marino 2003 . What would have made him live in current situation , lack of motivation I guess , or "I have the money in the Bank now , why should I even try driving this stupid Japanese car".Well I would be really surprised if Ralf comes back to F1 .

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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


Good riddance to bad rubbish...au revoir ralf

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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


mahesh248 wrote:I thought Ralf would turn out to be one the top drivers back in those days , when he won his first Race in San marino 2003 . What would have made him live in current situation , lack of motivation I guess , or "I have the money in the Bank now , why should I even try driving this stupid Japanese car".Well I would be really surprised if Ralf comes back to F1 .

True, it is a shame. I use to really respect his drives for Williams/Jordon. he didn't do too badly in Spa 2005 either.

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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


So... the one and only purpose of this thread is bashing Ralf?

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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


Not at all, I have some praise for Ralf:

on his day he's good, really bloody good.

Ralf has 2 problems atm. He has a cronic inability to deal with understeer (A view shared by Peter Windsor who wrote as much in a column for F1 Racing magazine) And he was over paid at Toyota.

Ralf at Jordan & Williams was at least one of the best number 2's, and the flashes of speed he showed, hinted at unlocked potential, potential to be a consistent race winner. But he whines too much, looses the faith of the team, them kops the strop.

Such a shame, as much as I really don't like him (for the following reason) its a shame to see such potential go completely wasted.

Fact of the matter is; in the 10years or so that he's been in F1, rarely has he ever looked to me like he REALLY wants to be in F1...never has he looked emotionally like, well, his big bro. And THAT in my opinion is why Ralf will forever be remembered as useless, he never wanted F1 for F1, he wanted it for the brilliant lifestyle he could afford to give his family.
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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


He was the "Trojan Horse" presented to Williams in the time when they were the only ones able to endanger Ferrari and Schumacher. So, he won't be just sitting home and counting his own money but also a percentage he got for never overtaking his brother and always letting him to overtake without a fight.

All those millions he got... and what for? How many thousands of starving children could have been saved if that money was given to charity...

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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


ackzsel wrote:So... the one and only purpose of this thread is bashing Ralf?

I would not do that if he would not say such stupid things and admit he was overpaid and nobody wants him.

Manchild, good thoughts, sadly the world doesn´t work like that. If Ralph donated 10 millions would be sent to charity, then they would use those 5 millions to buy food, then take that 2millions in food to Africa, get the million out of the plane, load the trucks with $100.000 in food and finally divide the sandwich Ralph donated in two (one half for the soldiers and the other for the starving kid).

Sad but true.
"You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well." -Juan Manuel Fangio

"I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence." -Ayrton Senna

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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


I don't believe in kicking a man when he's down, but that doesn't apply to Ralf. I recall when he first started to drive (and crash) in F1. Everybody said to give the kid a break, and as well, he's supposed to be just as quick, or even quicker than his famous brother. Well, after a lot of crashes and laps, Ralf has shown talent, but sadly, very inconsistently. And all the while, he lived in his brother's shadow. Some may think this was a bother to Ralf, but being in Michael's shadow when Willie negotiated that contract with Toyota is what got him that obscene salary.
In the end we have a driver with a huge imagination and ego, moderate talent, but definitely not worth the salary he was being paid.
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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


Well. Often times pilot's salary is taken from sponsor's monet and team won't get it automatically without pilot. Just don't imagine Frank and Toyota's people THAT stupid.
On the other hand Ralf is statistically better than Fisico or Alesi or many other drivers people respect. I think he really is good driver, for the 2001 he loocked good in 2002 he was somewhat in the shadow of Montoya, however remember how he suprised many in the mid season 2003.
Why there's no same Toyota bashing threads now? With all their money they'd better showed something.

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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


[color=#BF0000]Toyota were ready to Sideline Trulli hoping to get Kovalinnen. Is this true ?
Then no body is secure in F1 , Unless the team gives the support how would the drivers be Mentally confidant , it would be really hard on them , when they are remineded that tommorrow they mite lose their seat , that totally sad .[/color]
[color=#40FF40] I would say it was a blunder to pay ralf so much , but it was really sad he left F1[/color]

[color=#FF0000]These days when i watch F1 i dont see that racing any more in it , it all about who is having the best engineering and technically qualified people . After the all the burst in technology the balance from racing is gone , Its more like driving a Euro 2000 or a F-22 Raptor , [/color]

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Re: Ralph and the "Sabbatical" 2008


timbo wrote:Why there's no same Toyota bashing threads now? With all their money they'd better showed something.
Toyota is innocent-stupid kind but not the mean-stupid kind Ralph is.
Toyota generates pity.
Ralph generates vomit.

Thats only my opinion.

I read the big problem in Toyota is people speaking 5 languages in the factory, Japanese chiefs working Japanese way, German engineers working German way, English engineers working English way, uneven centralization and dispersed objectives.

I think usually lack of money/resources make you creative, if those abound you relax.

What I would like to see now is Honda reaction over 2007 season.
"You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well." -Juan Manuel Fangio

"I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence." -Ayrton Senna