Hey all,
So awhile ago I started a virtual car, and never got around to finishing it for various reasons, primarily an injury that prevented me from working for a good while. (And completed a really fictional car (though it sorta followed the 2004 regs)
Anyway, I'm going to be doing a brand new car, and thought if anyone's interested, we could maybe do a collaborative effort. I'd like to eventually animate it going around a full track, so if anyone would be interested in doing track creation, that would be awesome, since that would be by far more work than the car.
Here's the thread of the old car: viewtopic.php?t=4367
This time around, I'll be attempting to do the entirety of the car again, complete with internal structures. One thing I could use help on is all the internal workings of the engine and gearbox. I have no idea what the insides are like, so if anyone even has reference images of engines, even non-F1 related if they can help with general engine design, that would be sweet.
I know it's a bit early, but I want to have the car done before the first race, and if necessary, I can modify the car later to look more like a car that you'd see on the 2008 grid.
I use modo for basically all my modeling, using subdivision surfaces, and regular polygon modeling as well. I also use Maya, so that will probably the package of choice for an animating. modo now supports animation, but lacks IK/FK and character animation tools, and I'm not sure if I'd be able to animate the car in modo as just yet. If anyone would like to help on the project, I'm fully capable of taking STL, CAD, etc file formats and converting them. I'll probably do all the exterior work of the car, but I'm open on that. As I said, I'd probably need the most help with track creation and mechanical bits of the car that are normally hidden from the eye.
I thought a cool use of the car might be to create a site explaining all the workings of a modern day car, with animations, and maybe making it interactive via Flash or some such.