the problem is not advertising this stuff.
the problem is parents having zero interest in what their kids digest. As long as they dont bother their parents, are outside (without interest where) they dont care.
usually, this comes with slamming some bucks in their hands and giving them stuff they shouldnt have to begin with.
Companies [that includes schools] take advantage [read:abuse] of this and give them anything to take their money.
Kids have zero interest in what brand Rossi has on his motorbike or helmet. They see it in the supermarket anyway. The only thing they're dealing with is how much money
that have and are willing to spend on. They are bored beyond recognition and fill their empty lives by 'feasting' on a drink and a bite. These energy drink binging once started
when kids concidered kids drinking this was cool because normally kids didnt drink this crap. If i recall correctly, RedBull originally had a message that it was not for kids and
that it was for what, 18+? and only for sporting. Somehow, it gained momentum and now its concidered 'normal lifestyle' and if you dont do it, you are odd.
They're filled with sweeteners and flavours so the kids think its like limonade. Meanwhile their stomaches get filled with pure poison.
So again, the problem is not with advertising. As if kids today actually pay attention to this stuff. Its rather the foolish dumbass parents seeing something on TV and buying it
for their kids because they have the totally wrong hipster idea that they want to be 'cool hip parents' instead of what they should do: think and be wise and guide them.
however, i dont really see how all this is so shocking and such a discussion point in F1, go and look at any NASCAR, Indy, Champcar, whatever USA race and there are cars and walls covered with it.