Gossip about Dennis retirement

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31

Gossip about Dennis retirement


http://www.planetf1.com/story/0,18954,3 ... 66,00.html

Maybe he is waiting for Hamilton to win in 2008 before retiring...

Joined: 23 Aug 2006, 23:23
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Re: Gossip about Dennis retirement


he'll be waiting til 2009 then because kimi will win again


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Re: Gossip about Dennis retirement


waynes wrote:he'll be waiting til 2009 then because kimi will win again
phew, i'm gald i'm wearing my flame proof nomex suit, becasue it could get hot in here now.

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31

Re: Gossip about Dennis retirement


Do not sweat it, waynes. We don't flame here, we merely have an amicable chat about the clear superiority of our favorite team and the utter "moronness" of the so called "adversaries" (also called, with a touch of chivalry, "those slimy disgusting worms").

Then, we agree that Max Mosley suxs, McLaren and Ferrari cheats (even britons and tifosi agree on that), we remember Jerez '97, Mosley's father and Dennis comments through 2007, put our hands together in a virtual circle and sing the F1Technical hymn ("Allons, enfants de la Formule Un..."). :)

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Joined: 02 Mar 2007, 14:32

Re: Gossip about Dennis retirement


Well, Dennis himself

has clearly enough indicated the maximum timeframe he will remain in his current position in very plausible terms. Of that timeframe he has some years left still, I think. Why and how he will eventually leave the running of the day to day business, ownership and control (all separate albeit intertwined issues) for successors we do not know. I'm toying with a rather ironical thought that had Lewis and (maybe even /or) McLaren won in 2007, we'd be recapturing the man's career here and now - purportedly the very aim of some people and some actions that transpired recently.

As to the factual backround of the (longstanding, and spygate-preceeding) speculations themselves, mere ownership percentages are far from the full story. Daimler has 40%, yes, but Dennis and Ojjeh still control 30% as does Mumtalakat Holding (i.e. Kingdom of Bahrain and therefore presumably, in the end, the various Sheiks of the royal family). Though I haven't really followed the issue very closely, I've read vague suggestions in the media that Mumtalakat might have reasons to align its vote with Dennis' and Ojjeh's (nothing substantiated). In that case a rather absolute executive power would still lay in Ron's hands. I can't imagine what, if any, terms there are for him to acquiesce to Daimler's financial courtship. I would forgo trying to twist Dennis' arm any time soon ...

Given that he's set for life many times over as it is, one could speculate that such terms go well beyond financial. But I couldn't help but notice when in his MP4-23's presentation speech Dieter Zetsche started one sentence with the words "our team ...". Camaraderie, wishful thinking or a freudian slip? Tune in to our billion dollar soap opera next week!

Joined: 05 Apr 2007, 17:44
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Re: Gossip about Dennis retirement


Ciro Pabón wrote:Do not sweat it, waynes. We don't flame here, we merely have an amicable chat about the clear superiority of our favorite team and the utter "moronness" of the so called "adversaries" (also called, with a touch of chivalry, "those slimy disgusting worms").

Then, we agree that Max Mosley suxs, McLaren and Ferrari cheats (even britons and tifosi agree on that), we remember Jerez '97, Mosley's father and Dennis comments through 2007, put our hands together in a virtual circle and sing the F1Technical hymn ("Allons, enfants de la Formule Un..."). :)
Thanx... gave me a good smile...

...it's one of those times when I think we should have a topic for quoting such posts, all in one thread.

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Joined: 24 Sep 2003, 12:47
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Re: Gossip about Dennis retirement


Ciro Pabón wrote:Do not sweat it, waynes. We don't flame here, we merely have an amicable chat about the clear superiority of our favorite team and the utter "moronness" of the so called "adversaries" (also called, with a touch of chivalry, "those slimy disgusting worms").

Then, we agree that Max Mosley suxs, McLaren and Ferrari cheats (even britons and tifosi agree on that), we remember Jerez '97, Mosley's father and Dennis comments through 2007, put our hands together in a virtual circle and sing the F1Technical hymn ("Allons, enfants de la Formule Un..."). :)
Here I sit with a sore throat :evil: chest infection :evil: coughing my guts out and an extremely snotty nose :evil: but I have a broad smile :D thanks Ciro for summarising so much so succinctly :wink:

Ciro Pabón wrote:McLaren and Ferrari cheats
...could probably be written as all teams cheated at one time :wink: