GoranF1 wrote:Wazari wrote:
First off I would like to with everyone a Happy Holiday season.
Mr. GoranF1, why are you directing this statement at me? Are you asking for confirmation? Mr. Alonso is entitled to his opinion and we all know he has never exaggerated or embellished anything in the past.

nor has he ever insulted McLaren or Honda.
Mr. Wazari
Alonso is telling the truth. Honda was trying to be futuristic, different god knows what and the truth is 2+ seconds gap comes 80-90% from terrible Honda PU.
Car isnt perfect but engine sucks.
I am sure that affected Honda road car sell atleast a bit.
Honda has all the money in the world and yet in F1 they didnt do anything since 1992.
I hope thing change in 2017 and Honda finnaly does a decent PU.
Mr. Goran,
What do you really know about the facts? How do you know 80-90% of the deficiency is from the PU? I have tried to be polite to you and answer your PM's demanding information. Hardly a hello, please or thank you. We are a prideful and competitive group of guys and girls at HRD. No one, NO ONE, is a harsher critic of Honda than us. And after all this you come out and say Honda sucks.
Here's a point to ponder for you. I have noticed that many race commentators say, "Look how XXXX passes McLaren on the straight because of lack of HP. Is that what you're basing your 80-90% figure from? Did you compare the exit speeds of the different cars heading into the straights? We have. Did you examine the throttle position of the car 10 meter, 25 meters, 40 meters after entering the straight because 100% throttle position could not be achieved sooner due to lack of mechanical grip compared to others? We have. So again, I ask, 80 to 90% of the deficiency is because of the PU? I can tell you what my opinion is of the percentage based on race telemetry data but it's obvious you would never believe me.
As far as Mr. Alonso and the comments I have made, if I offended anyone, I apologize. I was not bashing him IMO but just stating the observations I have personally witnessed. Maybe some of you know him better than I. My dealings with him have only been behind closed door meetings.
Yes, I do have a chip on my shoulder. We are a group of people who work extremely hard to put together the best PU possible. We don't want to be last. We don't work 16 to 18 hour days, 22 days straight to settle for mediocrity. It infuriates me to see Mercedes have a better car. But we are trying. When someone says, "Honda sucks," yes I do take it personally. Maybe I'm getting grumpy in my old age and my patience isn't what it used to be. I know I'm starting to lose my filters.
I come to this forum for entertainment and as a break from my tedious tasks of the day. Maybe I should take my daughter's advice. Although she is 35 years my junior, she is wiser than me in many ways. She always tells me, "Dad, when it's not fun anymore you should quit." Maybe I should follow her advice about this forum. This time, I think I should really listen to her.