Surely it would be the wastegate in the bottom right, as that looks to be where the exhaust plumbing would be.roon wrote:In that image you can see a disconnected wastegate actuator & a blowoff valve. The BOV in the lower righthand corner. The wastegate is the long stainless-steel(?) cylinder with baffles & foil, right above the mgu-h. Its intake & outlet are capped off with two white plastic caps.
http://www.autosport.com/news/report.ph ... ls-by-2018"2017 is key to making sure that the next step that we make into next year is the right one, which we are 99% sure of.
"But we need to make the most out of it.
"We're already seeing that we will have a good step into next season to start with.
"We're not going to overwork our first race specification and we will have a plan to do things in a sensible manner."
"I don't think we will close the gap this winter, though I I don't know, but the target is to be very close by the end of next year because the target was to be in a position in '18 to fight somehow with these guys," Taffin told Autosport.
"We know more or less where they are and we can see we can get there.
"It's fair to say that '18 should be the year where we should level everything."
does anyone think that they (or whoever wrote the engine rules) didn't ?roon wrote:Did Merc have foreknowledge of TJI? ......
They didn't "choose" a '15 platform for '17. The '16 platform was the '15 platform and that's their starting point. They never meant that were going backwards in any way. Translation errors and misunderstandings surely are responsible for most of the misinformation in the f1 world todayVladimir wrote:Renault work for one year on this new concept,so maybe that is reason why thay choose 2014/2015 chasie platform for 2017 car. In that way, they should "buyed" time for testing instalation and new configurations of R.S. 17. And that should be much better preparation for next season.
I read some posts here about that and I doesn't understend why Renault choose 2015 platform when that was for Mercedes PU design for. Only 14' car may be choosen but why.Only if 2017 PU has the same layout as old one.Pierce89 wrote:They didn't "choose" a '15 platform for '17. The '16 platform was the '15 platform and that's their starting point. They never meant that were going backwards in any way. Translation errors and misunderstandings surely are responsible for most of the misinformation in the f1 world todayVladimir wrote:Renault work for one year on this new concept,so maybe that is reason why thay choose 2014/2015 chasie platform for 2017 car. In that way, they should "buyed" time for testing instalation and new configurations of R.S. 17. And that should be much better preparation for next season.
Dude , they're working from 2016 as a base, hut the problem is that they're 2016 car was they're 2015 but with a Renault in back instewd of a Merc. Basically they're just saying that they lost a full year of development in 2015 because they had no money, so when 2016 came around they still weren't working yet because Renault took so long to finalize everything and they just raced the same car with a different PU.Vladimir wrote:I read some posts here about that and I doesn't understend why Renault choose 2015 platform when that was for Mercedes PU design for. Only 14' car may be choosen but why.Only if 2017 PU has the same layout as old one.Pierce89 wrote:They didn't "choose" a '15 platform for '17. The '16 platform was the '15 platform and that's their starting point. They never meant that were going backwards in any way. Translation errors and misunderstandings surely are responsible for most of the misinformation in the f1 world todayVladimir wrote:Renault work for one year on this new concept,so maybe that is reason why thay choose 2014/2015 chasie platform for 2017 car. In that way, they should "buyed" time for testing instalation and new configurations of R.S. 17. And that should be much better preparation for next season.
Oh I understand.Pierce89 wrote:Dude , they're working from 2016 as a base, hut the problem is that they're 2016 car was they're 2015 but with a Renault in back instewd of a Merc. Basically they're just saying that they lost a full year of development in 2015 because they had no money, so when 2016 came around they still weren't working yet because Renault took so long to finalize everything and they just raced the same car with a different PU.Vladimir wrote:I read some posts here about that and I doesn't understend why Renault choose 2015 platform when that was for Mercedes PU design for. Only 14' car may be choosen but why.Only if 2017 PU has the same layout as old one.Pierce89 wrote: They didn't "choose" a '15 platform for '17. The '16 platform was the '15 platform and that's their starting point. They never meant that were going backwards in any way. Translation errors and misunderstandings surely are responsible for most of the misinformation in the f1 world today
Regarding this article & ( http://www.f1technical.net/news/21127 ), how much leeway do Renault have for redesigning their engine? It's unclear to me how regs and tokens will affect their development for '17. Can they move major components around? For example, can they build a Merc-type split-turbo this late in the game?lio007 wrote:http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/renau ... 61660/?s=1
This might get interesting how that pans out.
I'd really like to know what kind of new concepts they are going to introduce! Is anybody close to Viry around here, to give us some hints(e.g. is the dyno testing promising, how's the relationship with Ilmor,...)
I was also wondering if Renault is using RBR's VTT. I think it would be an advantage to test cooling requirements,... of the new PU in a real chassis.
roon wrote:Regarding this article & ( http://www.f1technical.net/news/21127 ), how much leeway do Renault have for redesigning their engine? It's unclear to me how regs and tokens will affect their development for '17. Can they move major components around? For example, can they build a Merc-type split-turbo this late in the game?lio007 wrote:http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/renau ... 61660/?s=1
This might get interesting how that pans out.
I'd really like to know what kind of new concepts they are going to introduce! Is anybody close to Viry around here, to give us some hints(e.g. is the dyno testing promising, how's the relationship with Ilmor,...)
I was also wondering if Renault is using RBR's VTT. I think it would be an advantage to test cooling requirements,... of the new PU in a real chassis.
What do you mean by your first sentence? 2015 somehow limiting 2016 open development in preparation for 2017.NL_Fer wrote:But it really depends on what the research team already has pre-cooked on the testbenches in 2015. The tokenrule was dropped almost beginning of 2016, they can develop some crazy stuff in a years time.