glenntws wrote:Hey guys,
I'm new in this Forum but since this discussion is very interesting, I thought I could also talk a bit with you.
First: I'm very sure the engine was running in a Controller cylinder shutoff with one cylinder active on one bank and two others on bank 2. I'm also pretty sure , the distance between the ignitions was 300° - 180° - 240°. I took a look at the sound file in audacity and here's a little part of it colored by me:
The yellow colored is the ignition on bank 1, the blue and green ones are on bank 2 I think.
Second: I'm also sure that the idea of the pistons without offset won't be the right one. This way of rod design won't be good at all for the high pressures. Additionally: The crankshaft will have to have the same length either way, and a cylinder offset will only help in regards to the intake System. The 20-25mm, which they lose lose from offset cylinders won't help much at all when looking at the placement of the turbocharger.
Third: While everybody thinks that TJI will come to the Honda engine, I think I have a idea of how this System could look like. I made 4 little Sketches which could explain the System fairly good.
Intake stroke:
Mid-compression stroke:
End of compression stroke:
Start of ignition:
Now, I will explain you why I think this should work. At first, thanks to this design, all the requirements by the fia are fullfilled.
So, once the intake stroke starts, you get a pretty high amout of tumble in the chamber, which will - because of the gas Forces - clear out the prechamber. The prechamber has a ~5mm wide opening at the bottom, which is almost completely (0.1-0.3mm distance) closed at TDC. The prechamber also has several little holes all around. which can force the ignition arcs into the main chamber.
Mid-compression stroke, the engine will start injecting fuel. Since the piston has this pinnacle at the top (which also closes the prechamber), the fuel, if it's shooted in a narrow angle onto this Point, will automatically form a rich cloud of fuel-air mixture directly under the opening of the pre-chamber. At the end of the compression stroke, this very rich cloud will partly be forced into the pre-chamber, while the main chamber will retain the two tumble motions on both sides.
When starting the combustion, the movement in the prechamber will go down with big force thanks to the droplet-replicating shape. Since the main-opening is closed, fire arcs will go into the two chamber parts and will induce a combustion in the motion of the two tumbles, which in turn will make sure the combustion will happen as clear as it can.
Keep in mind, that these sketches are made pretty fast. I just think this is a way, Honda could do it like.
I'm no Student in mechanics or thermodynaics nor do I work in this sector (finishing high school right now in Germany). However, I'm working on a engine since 2 years. While it uses HCCI, I think the (pretty big) amount of knowledge I gained could help to find out at least a little bit more about the Honda engine