Heikki vs. Lewis

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Heikki vs. Lewis

Lewis will sweep the floor with Heikki
Lewis will beat Heikki cause he has McM N1 car
It will be close!
Heikki will sweep the floor with Lewis
Heikki will sweep the floor with Lewis
Total votes: 59

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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


wih a name like "lewisfan" can we safely assume you only watch one car on the grid?

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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


I think the really interesting difference this year will be that Heikki isn't going to throw a wobbly everytime something swings Lewis's way, and the same for Lewis.

These two drivers are alot more equal, neither of them has any reason to feel he should be treated better than the other. Lewis knows he was treated equally last year next to Alonso an established champ, so he knows Heikki will be treated just the same.

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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


From testing I think its fair to assume in terms of pace on both long and short runs Lewis and Heikki are fairly evenly matched. The only question left to answer in my view, is whether Heikki has the race-craft that Lewis has?

Based upon last year I'd say no, Hekki made many more mistakes than Lewis, but we cannot rely on this information as lewis was surely helped and/or Heikki hindered by their cars. The Renault was a dog, and the Macca a beauty.

We're gonna have to wait until Melbourne, and until then I'm gonna try (despite my excitement) not to read much into the testing times. (I always say that each year - and usually end up doing exactly the opposite! #-o lol)
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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


DaveKillens wrote:Until the green flag drops in Australia, we haven't been able to witness direct comparisons between Heikki and Lewis. But we can compare Hamilton versus Alonso, Alonso vs. Fisi, and Heikki versus Fisi. Alonso was able to beat Fisi on a regular basis, although every so often Fisi would suddenly find something extra, and win. And once Heikki got over his early-season anxieties and learning curve, he too was able to easily be superior to Fisi.
So what strengths and weaknesse do Heikki and Lewis posess? Heikki needed almost a half-season before he got over whatever was bothering him, and got down to wringing the neck of his Renault. And once he gets going, he displays great strengths. lewis, although a great driver in the making, still cannot maintain pace all race, and on occasion he has been known to be unable to charge near the end.
I do not expect a repeat of the McLaren drivers' fiasco where Hamilton and Alonso spent so much energy and attention on beating each other, to the point they beat themselves. Both Hamilton and Kovalainen signed their contracts with McLaren after the end of the season, so I'm quite sure that in each contract there are clauses detailing their position within the organization and how to deal with their opposite number.
Right now I give Hamilton the upper hand because of his familiarity with the team, and his ability to get going from the very start. Despite getting testing time, Heikki may go through what he experienced last year, building up enough laps and track time to the point he can seriously compete with his peers.
Doubt it. The car was bad beginning last year, Fisichella's dream.
What got Heikki out was not following Fisichella but going his own way on setup. And he consistently became superior in a type of car that Fisichella performs well in.

Coulthard won in 1997 Monza. So that means 1998, 1999, 2000 Mika Hakkinen's results were faked by FIA to be infront of David.

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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


djones wrote:I know this has been talked about before but what are your views on who will come out on top at the end of the season?
If you know this has been talked about before why do you start another thread?
Now we have got similar threads all over the place! :lol: ... :evil:

Here it is the original one, with poll included :wink:
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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


"If you know this has been talked about before why do you start another thread?"

Does it matter?

No, not one bit. No increase in bandwidth and an extra few Kb of text on the server.

New thread = new thoughts and input from people.

More than one post on the same subject is no harm, only good as far as I'm concerned on forum where the intention is to talk about things.

You came in and had a look and why was that? It's because you thought you were missing something new.

If this reads like I'm being nasty, I'm not, it's just one of my pet hates. It's like the people who post "repost" on something that was once talked about before, it's pathetic and of no constructive value.

Joined: 23 Jan 2008, 23:44

Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


"wih a name like "lewisfan" can we safely assume you only watch one car on the grid?"

Just like Alonso fan, they come just to see one person Alonso the Nut.... #-o

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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


Lewisfan, this is a nice forum and we would like to keep it that way, so stop insulting people!

Talking about the topic again...I think Lewis will have a hard time with Heikki, more than he expects. Heikki had a great season last year with only difficulties during the first two races. The fact that Renault didn't provide him with a championshipwinning car like they had in 2005 and 2006, made it that Heikki only got on the podium one time. If the McLaren car is as good as last year, I believe he will be on the podium several times this season and maybe he'll make it to the highest scaffold. He really deserves it. I think we will see a nice battle between Heikki and Lewis and if they have the same material this will only make it more interesting.
Last edited by Steven on 28 Jan 2008, 19:24, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Moderated reaction to lewisfan, he has been banned for 2 weeks for his behaviour

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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


djones wrote:"If you know this has been talked about before why do you start another thread?"

Does it matter?

No, not one bit. No increase in bandwidth and an extra few Kb of text on the server.

New thread = new thoughts and input from people.

More than one post on the same subject is no harm, only good as far as I'm concerned on forum where the intention is to talk about things.

You came in and had a look and why was that? It's because you thought you were missing something new.

If this reads like I'm being nasty, I'm not, it's just one of my pet hates. It's like the people who post "repost" on something that was once talked about before, it's pathetic and of no constructive value.
To have too many threads only invites posts like the two you can see above this one... The reason its called a thread is that you can extend that thread whenever you have some new input. Engineers don't make a new car every time they find a new development, they add it on the base they already have.

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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


ITS TESTING as anybody who has followed F1 for longer than a year will tell you, Testing times do not relect the overall pace of a car. Pre season is like poker! if pre season was benchmark for the season, i think prost would still be about, they had a really good pre season at one point.

As for The spanish making up times, That must be the my comical statement i have ever read. All the teams have there own timings as well, so if they were differant then the teams would be up in arms (I know this has been said before guys, but maybe if we keep saying it some people might listen).

Lewis fan, I love this forum because more or less all of the people on here are good people who make valid points and arnt just people who use forums to beat down on people. Its never good to come on here and make sweeping statements about stuff without evidance, its just makes you look silly. If you wanna talk about F1 and all the Techie Stuff, this Forum is the best place. If you want to talk about how great Lewis is and how Alonso is the spawn of the devil, then this is not the place. Hope that helps.

*sorry Rant over*


We all know Finns Love Mclaren. If Kimi had a car that didnt break down, he would of beaten alonso in 2005.

He looks like he fits in at Mclaren, Alonso never did. Just like i never felt Hekki looked right at Renult. Where as Alonso does
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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


OK, djones, you can start all the threads that you want.

Just thought that it would be better to have some order. Sometimes there are very similar threads spread all over the forum and makes you write something that was already posted. Sometimes its difficult to find something because you have to look in 5 threads.

As I said, you can do what you want, but still some people (me included) would appreciate some order.

PS: Sorry, it´s just my structured engineers head!
"You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well." -Juan Manuel Fangio

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Re: Hamilton vs Kovalainen


Belatti wrote:OK, djones, you can start all the threads that you want.

Just thought that it would be better to have some order. Sometimes there are very similar threads spread all over the forum and makes you write something that was already posted. Sometimes its difficult to find something because you have to look in 5 threads.

As I said, you can do what you want, but still some people (me included) would appreciate some order.

PS: Sorry, it´s just my structured engineers head!
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Lewisfan is banned for 2 weeks, we don't need ranting here anyway.

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Re: Heikki vs. Lewis


I believe it will be very damn close, but Heikki will be faster than expected IMO.
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