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Last sentence says it all. I have listened to a few Renault Pod-Casts with Symonds in them, and I tell you that of all of the top ranked people in F1, I would follow Symonds forever.
That is a man that wants to go racing, and also understands logistics as well as long term sustainable budgets.
I agree, he often does long interviews with F1 Racing magazine, or participates as part of a panel of guests discussing - well, things lol. Most recently he was part of a panel wich included; Tony Purnell, Colin Kolles, Christian Horner and Nick Fry. All of them discussing the latest F1 racing fan survey, talking about the KERS systems, customer chassis, reverse grids, qualifying, everything.
And often as not, we has largely the most insightful, unbiased participant of the lot. A few things I may disagree with, but at least he's come to his conclusion after a long and thought out process (which is often explained) so that if he said to you something rediculous like "F1 should be a single spec series" (he hasnt said tht btw) you can garrentee he'll put forward a damn good case point about WHY this should happen.
Transparancy in an FIA president? Now that WOULD be a step forward. We've gone from Mussolini (Balestre) to George W. Bush (Mosley) so who next?
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.
I think he would turn F1 from a Road Circus to the greatest technological contest on planet Earth.
He seems like someone that would re-write the rules in a way that he KNEW the teams would exploit in a certain manner, to progress the sport right where he planned it to go from the beginning.
Well thought out comments, very racey attitude, and I have to say that I am not a Renault fan, but I damn sure am a Symonds fan!