I don't see what all the fuss is about. Who gives a damn what he calls his car? Frank Williams called his the FWxx, Bruce Mclaren called his the Mxx, Eddie Jordan called his the EJxx, so whats the problem? Not one of them was an F1 great when they first came into the sport but they still called their cars after themselves without so much hatred.
As far as their website is concerened I see no problem again - omg a video showing a speech from the team owner at it's unvieling, how dare they! - gimme a break.
http://www.forceindiaf1.com/forceteam.aspx seems to be lots of information about people other than Mallya himself there to me. The sites not great, but it's by no means a "Shrine-to-Mallya".
Why is there so much hatred towards him? He's egotistical? Well then welcome to the world of F1 my friends because that's how it tends to be. And frankly to be that successful a businessman you gotta be a bit egotistical at least. The only difference I see between him and some other team principals is that he's a successful indian - and I assume that none of this hatred is racially motivated by the indian not knowing his place - so where exactly is the basis for this hatred.
As far as hoping the worst for FIF1, why? Frankly they have more passion that Spyker or Midland ever did, which surely is more meritable than that?
Being half-indian myself, I find it absolutely fantastic that India is being represented in the pinicale of motorsport, and especially by somebody who is rightly proud of his heritage and proud of the fact that after years of poverty India now has an economy which is growing at a rate of 13-14% per annum. How dare he be so proud, they belong in A1GP - what a crock of s**t that is.
As far as Mallya is concerened there is no reason that his country cannot be as well represented in F1, as Italy is by Ferrari - and BRAVO FOR THAT!
Mallya may be egotistical, and he may not be the sort of person I'd like very much to be friends with. But he's a passionate man, who is proud of his heritage, proud of his country, and wants to put his country on the F1 map.
If that's worthy of hatred then so be it. But frankly I find it a disgrace that so many people see the need to pour bile and vitriol on them purely because he's bought out an F1 team and not made it from scratch. Well that's what Super Aguri did, and soon FIF1 will design thier own cars and this will make them more of a construstor (and thus more of an F1 team) than Super Aguri are atm - but nobody hates them so much do they? Is it because Aguri-san is a much more loveable kinda guy than Mallya? I think that's likely reason.
I'm English, as such I love to see British drivers and team do well, being half-indian I'm likely to be biased. But based purely on their merit as a team, passion and will-to-win (or at least will-to-move-up-the-grid for now

) I support them 100%. Plus, in Adrian Sutil, they have an exciting young driver on board, allyed to an experienced vetren who - although maybe passed his sell-by-date, could pull off what DC has done at Red Bull.
All in all, go Force India! And show the haters what you're really about! [-o<
Now that the rant is over:
Personally I like this livery. I agree maybe too much white on the grid atm, but I think this looks better than the interim livery.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.