bucker wrote:toraabe wrote:Exactly
The smoke is just excess after baxing the engine for long time prior to ignition.
As I said before, you don't want to ignite before you are sure that all parts of the engine has reached
target oil pressure.
Ignite what? Fuel in cylinders? Until then, how does the engine works? Petrol engines shouldn't produce any kind of smoke, unless there are cold temperatures. This kind of smoke suggest, that oil is being burned. But you don't want oil in the cylinders, or anykind of oil leakage on your engine. So they must burn oil intentionally.
Quite a few "petrol engines" do 'use' (lose) oil, intentionally as a lubrication/pressure sealing measure, or simply
as a 'tolerance' factor.. the latter even in current high-tech machines, which have 'passed' stringent emission reg's...
Of course, F1 racing currently exempts any such oil use emissions concerns from consideration...