Force india unveils livery

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Re: Force india unveils livery


Just like to say thanks dave & checkered for your support. When making a rant its very easy to get carried away becoming as biased as the views of those you're often ranting against. As such its not unusual to tone down you're rant (in my case anyway) for fear of upsetting or appearing ridiculous.

I'm sure that many here agree with me in saying that the two of you are amongst the most respected people who participate on this forum (along wth others such as Tom and Ciro Pabon etc), primarily because of you're continued unbiased, eloquent, and well thought out posts.

As such having made a rant, only to find myself biting my nails wondering "OMG, what are people going to say - I'm probably going to get lynched." the support receieved by two of the most constructive and articulate members on the forum is definately a HUGE relief to me! :lol:

@ Principessa:

Ooooh, I did not know that. Well I'll be very interested to see how this new car will perform. But I will until then still have my reservations as they basis of the new car will likely have been laid down even before the B-Spec spyker was launched. As such I feel FIF1 won't show their true potential until 2009. But I'd love to be proved wrong on that and have them perform really well this year - an upset is always great entertainment value. FIF1 to beat Honda anyone? lol! :lol:

EDIT: having re-read my post I'm appalled at my frequent use of the phrase "as such" it is getting almost os over used as F1 drivers use the phrase "For sure..." :lol:
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Re: Force india unveils livery


Spencifer_Murphy wrote:I don't see what all the fuss is about. Who gives a damn what he calls his car? Frank Williams called his the FWxx, Bruce Mclaren called his the Mxx
Difference is huge. Frank Williams designed his cars himself once upon a time. Giving the car his initials was the same thing as artist signing his painting. Their modern cars just follow the tradition. It is personal mark on something they created.

Mallaya just bought the team and nothing more. Those things are incomparable. Same as SA, EJ, PS etc. Mclaren, Renault, Ferrari, Honda... never marked their cars with full initials. Yes their teams carry the surnames but at least the surnames of founders who constructed the cars themselves. Mallaya wants a F1 tradition which he doesn't have.

I have nothing against India or Indians but this guy speaks out and acts like he owns the rights on India. That's where the problem emerges. He is egocentric, full of himself, tries to appear superior to those on lower rank within the team (and world) and as such he certainly isn't respect worthy individual when it matters personality.

So, why equalize whole India with this single guy?

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Re: Force india unveils livery


manchild wrote:
Spencifer_Murphy wrote:I don't see what all the fuss is about. Who gives a damn what he calls his car? Frank Williams called his the FWxx, Bruce Mclaren called his the Mxx
Difference is huge. Frank Williams designed his cars himself once upon a time. Giving the car his initials was the same thing as artist signing his painting. Their modern cars just follow the tradition. It is personal mark on something they created.

Mallaya just bought the team and nothing more. Those things are incomparable. Same as SA, EJ, PS etc. Mclaren, Renault, Ferrari, Honda... never marked their cars with full initials. Yes their teams carry the surnames but at least the surnames of founders who constructed the cars themselves. Mallaya wants a F1 tradition which he doesn't have.
The difference is not huge, as those people no longer pen the cars themselves, thus its not right according to you to initial it as you're own. Regardless of whether Mallya himself pens the car, his team does. Therefore the car is a byproduct of his institution in equal measure to how the FW30 is a byproduct of Frank Williams' institution. The fact that the modern cars follow tradition is irrelevent in your point as they are not penned by the men themselves. And how about Patrick Head, who penned more Williams cars than anyone else - why is his name not represented on the designation of the cars?

Frankly it doesn't matter what its designation is, its his team and he has the right to choose what he calls HIS cars. And they are his cars because the design is the itellectual property of HIS company. And that is why the williams cars are designated FW, and the Mclaren cars MP4 (Mclaren Project 4), nobody complains that Ron Dennis changed the designation of the mclaren cars after his company bought them out. And frankly nobody has the right to complain about that, because they didn't shellout millions of their own hard earned cash buying the team like Mallya did.

You cannot say Mallya wants history he doesn't have, because it takes time to build history - that is what history is.

And whether he bigs himself up a lot or not, arrogance aside, who are we to critise him for being proud of his nation - the first man from his country EVER to have represented his country in F1 as a construstor team.

If history is what you want then Mallya is it - he's technically a privateer, which is what F1's abotu isn't it? After all everybody complains about the manufactuers taking over. BMW bought sauber and there wasn't this outcry. So why with Mallya. And just because Enzo chose not to initiallise his cars doesn't mean thats the correct and proper way to go about doing things. I'll also bet that in the name R28, the R stands just as much for "Renault" as it does for "racing".

I'm not saying it's all because he's indian - hence why in my previous post I suggestsd that, due to the high calibre of the people who participate on this forum it is unliky for that to be the case. Hence I see no reason for the hatred shown towards him.

Mallya could have called his team Mallya F1 for all we know, now THAT is far more arrogant than having the car called VJM01, and he has the right to - its his team. When Frank Williams, Bruce Mclaren, Ken Tyrell, Enzo Ferrari et al setup their teams why did people not cry out against the arrogance there? Because there's no grounds on which to do so - its their team so they can choose whatever the hell they wanna call anything. If he wants to call the factory building Vjay's Palace he can, and arrogant as that may be - we have no right to contest it.

At the end of the day by calling his team's car VJM01 he is being just as arrogant as Enzo, Frank, Ken, Honda-san, Aguri-san, Henry Ford et al - and they ain't done too badly for themselves have they now?
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Re: Force india unveils livery


Spencifer_Murphy wrote:At the end of the day by calling his team's car VJM01 he is being just as arrogant as Enzo, Frank, Ken, Honda-san, Aguri-san, Henry Ford et al - and they ain't done too badly for themselves have they now?
I don't know if you can't see the point because of your Indian heritage, or for other reasons. But none of us are contesting his right as team owner to name his team or car whatever he wants, what people are saying is that he is arrogant and selfish because he wants to be the main center of attention, instead of his "new" car or his impressive driver line-up.

And to be honest, I simply can't comprehend how you dare to compare Enzo Ferrari, Henry Ford, Peter Sauber, etc, to Vijay Mallya. Henry Ford built his cars from the ground up, as did Enzo Ferrari and many other legendary motorsport figures.

Now on the other hand, Vijay Mallya has used the millions he already had to purchase a complete team without ever even lending a thought to the design departments. He sees F1 as another market for him and the ever growing country of India to get into, and in IMO, thats what fails to be respectful. Thats why I predict he will not last any longer than 2-4 seasons here, hopefully. And this is what seperates him from Ferrari, McLaren, Sauber, Ford, these teams have seen years and years of failure, but they remain active until our present day. Can anyone else see FIF1 last even half a decade? I bet not.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if you fail to take my comments into consideration, seeing how I'm not one of the few "highly" respected members on this forum. :roll:
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Re: Force india unveils livery


He has a first and last name but he isn't a constructor nor a team/brand founder! He can't be compared with Ferrari, Williams, Ford, Renault, Chapman, Benz, Honda, Toyoda, Mclaren and many others. He bought a team to show off while they built teams from their backyard sheds. Mallaya didn't buy this team as a person/constructor but as a company owner. Naming a team Mallaya would be just fine naming a car VJM not. If he had however invested money in creation of new team that would be a completely different story. He has no heritage and wants to leave impression that he has same heritage as teams and companies that are decades or even over one century old.

Anyway, I said what I had about the subject so I won't go into further discussion.
Last edited by manchild on 09 Feb 2008, 01:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Force india unveils livery


As a Canadian, I'm always enjoying great satisfaction whenever I learn about any of my countryman's involvement in F1. From Walter Wolf to Eppie Wietzes, to Gilles and Jacque Villeneuve. Formula One is the pinnacle of motorsport, and to be involved in this endeavor is a mark of accomplishment. I went through an emotional rollercoaster throughout Jacque's career. First he was a front-runner, then he drove in the back of the pack. Then he was out, then back in. Then out again, back in, and finally out. At the end, I realized there was a void, a hollow bubble inside me, where I felt a lack .... because of Canada's lack of involvement in F1.
It's a great source of emotional satisfaction being able to cheer for your "own" team or driver. We the fans get to enjoy the ride. Just ask any of the tifosi.
So although the Force India team bought their way in, so what. These days it appears the ony route a team owner can go through to get to F1. I know it's a bought team, I know that the cars they will race were the creation of someone else. So? All that means is that this team and owner has not earned the hard-fought respect that others such as Ferrari and McLaren enjoy.
What's really important to me, over and above everything, is that the entry of Force India welcomes and brings in the many wonderful fans from India and anywhere else. I have a co-worker originally from Bombay, and even he is excited and stimulated by this new entrant into Formula One.
Mallaya has done a good thing, even though it's also a personal ride on his ego trip. True respect in this sport has to be earned, but at least they have begun that voyage.
For all the fans of this team, and to everyone in India, welcome to Formula One.
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Re: Force india unveils livery


Most every car that Gascoyne has penned in the last five years or so has been AWFUL, why do we all give him such accolades? Last years Spyker? Looked like the 2006 Midland, and was slow. The Toyota TF05 wasn't bad and did get some results, but certainly didn't look clean and wasn't even that quick... You don't need mega money to design a good car, it takes mega money to make it.

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Re: Force india unveils livery


I think the gold looks pretty sweet! The burgundy looked really good as well, better than the crap ass livery on the Renault! :shock: For some odd reason that livery reminds me of a beer bottle............mmmmmmmmmm beer. :D

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Re: Force india unveils livery


mx_tifosi wrote:Now on the other hand, Vijay Mallya has used the millions he already had to purchase a complete team without ever even lending a thought to the design departments. He sees F1 as another market for him and the ever growing country of India to get into, and in IMO, thats what fails to be respectful. Thats why I predict he will not last any longer than 2-4 seasons here, hopefully. And this is what seperates him from Ferrari, McLaren, Sauber, Ford, these teams have seen years and years of failure, but they remain active until our present day. Can anyone else see FIF1 last even half a decade? I bet not.
I think doubling

the team's budget for this year is lending a bit more than just a thought to the "design departments". What comes to F1's marketability in India, well, Mallya saw an opening and seized it - but he hardly singlehandedly built that market opportunity. For all his supposed self promotion he must undestand and accept that or face the self-evident consequences, it's up to him really. Our opinions matter none too much when it comes to the viability of the team in its current form - the general shape of F1 will be the measure of that. Yes, many high profile teams, venerable in their illustrious histories, have endured hardship, ill fortune and poor competitive form to survive and thrive again. Am I to take it that this line of criticisms is to end in, say, 20 years' time at which point FIF1 will have been able to accumulate the very best and the absolute worst of the F1 experience? That will require some staying power from the critics as well.
manchild wrote:He has a first and last name but he isn't a constructor nor a team/brand founder! He can't be compared with Ferrari, Williams, Ford, Renault, Chapman, Benz, Honda, Toyoda, Mclaren and many others. He bought a team to show off while they built teams from their backyard sheds. Mallaya didn't by this team as a person/constructor but as a company owner. Naming a team Mallaya would be just fine naming a car VJM not. If he had however invested money in creation of new team that would be a completely different story. He has no heritage and wants to leave impression that he has same heritage as teams and companies that are decades or even over one century old.
The "Force India" (and "Kingfisher", for that matter) is an original brand. I agree about the comparisons being pretty difficult but the remaining one, the one you point out - namely that more established teams are easier to compare while FIF1 is not - is in fact neutral. To label that either negative or positive seems like a rush to judgement (or a prejudgement) since as we discuss this, Force India has yet to take to track in anger. Fine, if I ever buy a team and let someone else design the cars, I won't put my initials into the designation as Mallya seems to have done. But even if it's seen as a gaffe, is it really necessary to portray it as a faux pas indicative of every aspect of the team and its "worthiness"? Again, the guy doubled the budget.

Mallya does have a history in F1, if only as a sponsor (Remember those Kingfisher logos adorning Toyota's cars?); India's motor sports history doesn't extend as far back as some others' (How could it, considering the nation was under the British Raj until just three years prior to the first modern F1 championship?) - the FMSCI seems to have been founded only in 1971. The BRDC, in comparison, was founded in 1928. So is it any wonder that the team draws from a slightly more extended identity than a team established by its history and record? Sure, the way it's been done can be criticised, but equally making blanket statements risks giving the impression that Indians for some reason are not to involve themselves in F1.

Besides (and I'm not such an ardent study of history that I could state this for sure), I think there's a good chance that people inhabiting the Indus valley raced oxen or horses (with or without carts) before - or at least at the same time - as in any part of Europe. It's just a question of perspective, then. Look, I'm not trying to say that Force India is the perfect team, beyond reproach or criticism. But understand that the way I read some of the stuff here I'm beginning to feel some obligation to balance the equation with arguments which to my subjective understanding seem plausible or defendable.

This is not to say that Force India or its fans (or any other team) needed to be defended. I just don't see the reason to single out and exclude FIF1 and/or anything/anyone to do with it from the wider context of what F1 is out of hand. Indeed, I feel that some of the commentary here is based on a preconception (or two) of what kind of people are interested in and supportive of FIF1. Jump to those kinds of conclusions at your own peril. On my part, I welcome the challenges FIF1 brings.

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Re: Force india unveils livery


I am willing to believe that one of the only good things to come from this unveiling was Shilpa Shetty's appearance in support of Mr. Vijay Mallya's Formula One team.

She's definately better to look at than the VJM01, IMO. :wink:
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Re: Force india unveils livery


[quote="megz"]Most every car that Gascoyne has penned in the last five years or so has been AWFUL, why do we all give him such accolades? Last years Spyker? Looked like the 2006 Midland, and was slow. The Toyota TF05 wasn't bad and did get some results, but certainly didn't look clean and wasn't even that quick... You don't need mega money to design a good car, it takes mega money to make it.[/quote]

Yes it wasn't in the past five years, but he helped turn Jordan around in 1999 (wins at France and Italy) and Renault from 2001 to 2003 (win at Hungary 03). Granted it wasn't just him, but I'm sure he had a lot to do with it. But in the past 5 years I think his moving from team to team has hurt him. He hasn't really had a chance to continually develop his concepts over a long period. I have to say I was relatively impressed with the B-spec Spyker at Spa; it was running in lofty territory for part of the race. I think Sutil was challenging Coulthard (in his Newey car no less) for a decent chunk of the race. But anyway, I think the winter testing livery looked better! :D

p.s. No, I'm not implying that he is a better designer than Newey :D

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Re: Force india unveils livery


mx_tifosi wrote:
Spencifer_Murphy wrote:At the end of the day by calling his team's car VJM01 he is being just as arrogant as Enzo, Frank, Ken, Honda-san, Aguri-san, Henry Ford et al - and they ain't done too badly for themselves have they now?
I don't know if you can't see the point because of your Indian heritage, or for other reasons. But none of us are contesting his right as team owner to name his team or car whatever he wants, what people are saying is that he is arrogant and selfish because he wants to be the main center of attention, instead of his "new" car or his impressive driver line-up.

And to be honest, I simply can't comprehend how you dare to compare Enzo Ferrari, Henry Ford, Peter Sauber, etc, to Vijay Mallya. Henry Ford built his cars from the ground up, as did Enzo Ferrari and many other legendary motorsport figures.

Now on the other hand, Vijay Mallya has used the millions he already had to purchase a complete team without ever even lending a thought to the design departments. He sees F1 as another market for him and the ever growing country of India to get into, and in IMO, thats what fails to be respectful. Thats why I predict he will not last any longer than 2-4 seasons here, hopefully. And this is what seperates him from Ferrari, McLaren, Sauber, Ford, these teams have seen years and years of failure, but they remain active until our present day. Can anyone else see FIF1 last even half a decade? I bet not.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if you fail to take my comments into consideration, seeing how I'm not one of the few "highly" respected members on this forum. :roll:
I see you're point, but I wans't trying to compare Vijay to Henry Ford or Enzo Ferrari - far from it - I was simply saying that he has now got his own company, like them, and has all the right in the world to call things the way he wants - like them. And if he's being arrogant, then so are they.

And please don't screw up my words about respected members of the forum. I listed a few people and an etc because to list them all would take forever - that's what's good about this website, here on F1technical there are so many participants who are constructive and eloquent, unlike on many other forums where the vast majority of people just want to swear at eachother.

And for your information mx_tifosi, I respect you as much as I do those I listed as respected members of the forum. I did not intent to upset anybody by not mentioning their names - I just wanted to say thatkyou as after my rant - like I said - I was left biting my nails in anticipation of a responce, which was far more positive than I expected. Once again, sorry to you any anybody else whom I might have offended for not listing them as "respected members" in a list that comprised of just a couple names which came to mind at the time.
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Re: Force india unveils livery


Ray wrote:I think the gold looks pretty sweet! The burgundy looked really good as well, better than the crap ass livery on the Renault! :shock: For some odd reason that livery reminds me of a beer bottle............mmmmmmmmmm beer. :D
LOL - I'm thinking the same thing...San Miguel anyone? :lol:
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Re: Force india unveils livery


manchild wrote:...
Mallaya just bought the team and nothing more...

For an Indian, $109 Million is just spare change and nothing more. =D>

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Re: Force India unveils livery


SATIRE ALERT Just mean't to make a few points in a humourous way.

Vijay Mallaya really is an arrogant, totally out of control ego-maniac, not only did he buy his way into F1 and name a car after himself -- he had the nerve to build a megaplex hospital in Mumbai India and named it after himself! Has he no shame?

Sure - Henry Ford did the same thing with the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit Michigan USA -- but that just makes Vijay Mallaya a copycat! What's worse is in a lot of promo shots he's hanging out with beautiful young women and pit babes.This guy is shameless. Ever notice he always seems to be having a good time. I prefer rich people that are serious and guilty about being rich. He didn't even build the car -- course he owns a cutting edge aerospace company in some Oregon USA called Epic that builds light duty jets. Next he'll have the gall to actually build an F1 car. The nerve of this guy. NOT THAT I'M JEALOUS.:D

Built and named a hospital after himself. You got to wonder about some people.