Hey guys sorry for the late reply, been at work all day.
Basically the reason I find I cannot like Alonso anymore is more or less what millerjam said. I cannot tey you why exactly, or give exact references of his behaviour which erked me - I agree with millerjam again that I guess a lot is based on perception, and there is a certain way you expect a champion to behave.
A few things I didn't like that I can tell you about though are:
1. The hungary fiasco - I don't care whether Hamilton started it or not, frankly that's irrelevant, at the end of the day Alonso should have been the bigger man and left the Boss to discipline Hamilton - that's not Alonso's place nor job to do so, and that makes his behaviour there just as bad as Hamilton's. (Not worse or better - just as bad.)
2. Blackmailing his boss - again, whether he was telling the truth or not, you do not blackmail your boss like a spoil little child. If Alonso's action where really a "noble act of exposing the horrid truth" he'd have blown the whistle on his team regardless of using it as leverage for getting a better deal.
3. Claiming he brought 6 thenths to the team - Frankly that's appauling, how can you expect a team to get behind you (when you think they aren't) by bad mouthing them, by implying ALL the progress made by the team was made by himself and not the 1000 other people within the team.
4. Constantly whinging about being an equal number one - at the end of the day earn it and stop crying and let your on track performance warrent it. He didn't do that this year and based upon their relative performances I think the two having an equal status was right.
5. Complainig he is getting less preferable treatment - when a team (probably) looses money on a contact with a supplier by switching the brakes supplier on one of their car's in order to aide the driver in question (Alonso) I fail to see how you're not getting the support you need. I'd be amazed if that was a one-off bit of help from Mclaren.
P_O_L wrote:As for thinking Ferrari should be punished because they let someone steal their properties that is too ridiculous for words. Amazing you have to resort to such idiotic logics to defend the shady behaviour of mclaren. Try reading a law book and understand the meaning and conditions of stealing property.
Read the posts properly - we were joking.
P_O_L wrote:Getting a better pit box is cheating the penalty, period.
We all agree that its wrong for them to be given a better pit box than they deserve, but I still fail to see how Mclaren are cheating if its GIVEN to them. I agree its not morally right, but its not something Mclaren have actively DONE (Like stealing a 780page dossier).
P_O_L wrote:Alonso is a guy who when he left renault, went to both headquarters and shook hands with all 600+ employees
That's irrelevent. We all know when he's in a good mood he's a great person. That's why he has so many fan's. He'd won the title by then and gotten what he wanted. But when his back's against the wall I think Fernando could handle himself with more class. Again I'll go back to that same 2006 season, before thanking all the empolyees (and rightly so) he's spent a couple weeks complaining that they weren't supporting him enough. On what basis? because his rivals found some pace? Again I'm not saying that he's a bad person, just that I feel he could handle himself better in adverse situations, and his behaviour in those situation can be a little less than savoury.
P_O_L, I agree that Alsono is not a bad guy, I think you may misunderstand me, I do want to like him, I wouldn't want to if I though he was some sort of nasty person. But I feel a bit let down by him, I expect a champion to be an example to others, and if I had say a child who behaved like he does when the chips are down or he doesn't get his way you better believe that kid would get a talking to lol.
Finally I think its great that you're such a passionate fan like the rest of us but this forum is a great place to be because (99% of the time) the users treat eachother with respect. We may say somebody's rational is mad or they're biased or their point is irrelevent but comments like:
P_O_L wrote: Amazing you have to resort to such idiotic logics to defend the shady behaviour of mclaren
or sarcastic comments like:
P_O_L wrote:Try reading a law book and understand the meaning and conditions of stealing property.
Are simply rude and unacceptable, especially when you consider that nobody actually has said that Ferrari should be punished except in jest.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.