Heikki vs. Lewis
The link above leads to the original thread about "lewis vs heikki".
It would be great if everyone who is planning on creating a new thread look around the entire forum (or the specific forum section) to make sure that there hasn't been a recent discussion about the planned topic. Even just a few pages of search would suffice, thats exactly what I did to find the original thread.
Not doing so is a bit inconsiderate IMO, becuase the link I prodived above has 5 pages of discussion, so there is definately no need to create a brand new thread. New threads take up more space and pollute as well.
I can't speak for the rest of the members in this forum, but at least I can speak for my self when I ask this of you.
No hard feelings meant, I simply want to help get the point across, as this happens more than it should.

This is my 666th post!