Thing is here, I'm no expert with this field of study, so mistakes should be forgiven.
My way of thinking is.The overall grip of the car is actually mechanical grip and aero grip.
Mechanical grip is produced by elements like dampers or suspension.Basically, the chassis of the car.
Whereas aero grip derives from the rear and front wing and generally components that create downforce or reduce drag.
So, to say a track demands more mechanical grip, factors are:
-Slow corners - When speed comes down, mechanical grip increases
-Vibration zones - This is actually when suspension comes in handy along with rough kerbs
-Street circuits - Well it could have an impact on increasing mechanical grip just by the surface alone being override by cars all year, but almost every street circuit has slow corners and massively bumping zones
-Long straights - That could be disputable, but as I see it, better handling inside the corner would give better speed and traction when you come out of the corner.Plus, when you have better traction, you can run less wing in order to achieve better straight speed.
Of course straight speed can be compromised easily by the engine power, but other things equal.
Basically, the opposite would apply for aero grip.
Having these in mind, we could say that
Mechanical Circuits
Slightly mechanical
Aerodynamic Circuits
Slightly Aero
If we accept the above, would it be safe to say that Mercedes has slightly better aerodynamics whereas Red Bull has slightly better mechanical grip in the hybrid era?
As I said, my field of study is no relative to this.So it could be all shabby.I won't misunderstand someone going ape all over me