Ron Dennis

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Ron Dennis


I'm reading stuff abour Ron Dennis leaving/being sacked from McLaren.
Any ideas?

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Re: Ron Dennis


only here so far:-

they quote Marca which I suppose is not a friend of McLaren.
Probably a load of tosh but.... ... 94011.html

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Re: Ron Dennis


monkeyboy1976 wrote:only here so far:-

they quote Marca which I suppose is not a friend of McLaren.
Probably a load of tosh but....
ah good old Marca, the last bastion of honest journalism, be it Mclaren or printing so called stories about footballers moving to spain


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Re: Ron Dennis


waynes wrote:
monkeyboy1976 wrote:only here so far:-

they quote Marca which I suppose is not a friend of McLaren.
Probably a load of tosh but....
ah good old Marca, the last bastion of honest journalism, be it Mclaren or printing so called stories about footballers moving to spain

No, mclarens own magazine Autosport is a reliable source. :D According to Autosport, mclaren would win every year since 1999 with their annual MCLARENS MASTERCLASS issue, druling every page over that sorry team. They also been screaming all year that alonso demanded number one status at mclaren while the rest of the world see it like it is and say mclaren was putting lewis as number one. Even Flav admitted that much today. And dennis own motormouth explained to such a scheme too saying they where racing ''alonso, not kimi'.

Dennis being sacked would be a good day for F1, no doubt.
Last Tango In Paris

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Re: Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote:No, mclarens own magazine Autosport is a reliable source. :D According to Autosport, mclaren would win every year since 1999 with their annual MCLARENS MASTERCLASS issue, druling every page over that sorry team. They also been screaming all year that alonso demanded number one status at mclaren while the rest of the world see it like it is and say mclaren was putting lewis as number one. Even Flav admitted that much today. And dennis own motormouth explained to such a scheme too saying they where racing ''alonso, not kimi'.

Dennis being sacked would be a good day for F1, no doubt.

At least you

didn't end that post with your customary "PEACE"; should I read something into that as well? One basic fault with the logic of Dennis being "fired", "sacked", "given the pink slip", "made redundant", "shown the door" etc. is that his is a position the leaving of which doesn't entail that. He could be forced to alter his position, but for his ownership in the team ... it's not like it was his intention to run the team to the ground, so for Merc to take that posture would be close to deluded. There were others who actually made a pretty good job of securing an ill fate for the team, but not Dennis.

It's another thing how clear a drop last season's events registered with Daimler's marketing efforts in certain areas. But keeping with the theme of delusion, I doubt making Ron a sacrificial lamb to appease the gods of public opinion would make a dent in any possible losses. You stick to your guns or do something else altogether - half measures like replacing figureheads (and that's the least of all Dennis' roles within the team) is an effort wasted.

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Re: Ron Dennis


checkered wrote:
P_O_L wrote:No, mclarens own magazine Autosport is a reliable source. :D According to Autosport, mclaren would win every year since 1999 with their annual MCLARENS MASTERCLASS issue, druling every page over that sorry team. They also been screaming all year that alonso demanded number one status at mclaren while the rest of the world see it like it is and say mclaren was putting lewis as number one. Even Flav admitted that much today. And dennis own motormouth explained to such a scheme too saying they where racing ''alonso, not kimi'.

Dennis being sacked would be a good day for F1, no doubt.

At least you

didn't end that post with your customary "PEACE"; should I read something into that as well? One basic fault with the logic of Dennis being "fired", "sacked", "given the pink slip", "made redundant", "shown the door" etc. is that his is a position the leaving of which doesn't entail that. He could be forced to alter his position, but for his ownership in the team ... it's not like it was his intention to run the team to the ground, so for Merc to take that posture would be close to deluded. There were others who actually made a pretty good job of securing an ill fate for the team, but not Dennis.

It's another thing how clear a drop last season's events registered with Daimler's marketing efforts in certain areas. But keeping with the theme of delusion, I doubt making Ron a sacrificial lamb to appease the gods of public opinion would make a dent in any possible losses. You stick to your guns or do something else altogether - half measures like replacing figureheads (and that's the least of all Dennis' roles within the team) is an effort wasted.
While that holds some truth, its still pretty clear Mercedes image as a family carmaker is hugely dented by all these accusations of 2007. Another thing Dennis should be accounted for, is that after the hilarious 72 pitstops at Silverstone 2003, mclaren still plays the clown and employs amateuristic pitstop calls.
I dont think Mercedes wants to keep pouring a mountain of money into a bottomless pit and shiney new motorhomes when nothing is won in terms of championships.

Again, it would be fantastic news for F1 if dennis would leave.

Last Tango In Paris

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Re: Ron Dennis


Do you have your own Book of Facts then?

As Is Said in Marketing "There is no Such thing as Bad Publicity"

I think its a great loss if Ron leaves he has brought alot to F1 in his Time and build a Legendary Team. Sometimes he was out spoken and sometimes he was wrong, But you Knock a man who record is as successfull as his.

Oh Just incase you going to use your Facts book, Please check Any F1 sites to see his list of success (7 or 8 WCC, and 11 WDC off the top of my Head). Cant really argue with that.

By the way how can you Sack a part-owner? surely he would have to step down?
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Re: Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote:Another thing Dennis should be accounted for, is that after the hilarious 72 pitstops at Silverstone 2003, mclaren still plays the clown and employs amateuristic pitstop calls.
I dont think Mercedes wants to keep pouring a mountain of money into a bottomless pit and shiney new motorhomes when nothing is won in terms of championships.

Again, it would be fantastic news for F1 if dennis would leave.

Toyota have proven that being in F1 is more or less good enough publicity to warrent pumping millions into the race team, and though I find that crazy much like you do, I think Mercedes will be pretty pleased with their partnership thus far. They've won a handful of championships and have almost always been there or thereabouts the top. If they were going to force RD to step down they've have done it in 2002 when the teams performances hit a low, not now when they had both drivers finish 2nd & 3rd in the championship.

Also, I have to ask, why is it that even when we are discussing the possible departure of Ron Dennis that you still have to babble on about the whole who-favoured-who issue. It's over and done with - let it be man.

I'm by no means a big fan of Ron Dennis, I find him too closed off a personality to find any affinity towards him, but I don't think his departure from F1 will bring any benefit, nor deficeit. I somehopw doubt it will happen anyway.

Every post claims that Fernando was so hard done by, treated unfairly blah blah blah, end of the day you've get to produce a FACT to prove he was treated badly in comparison to Lewis. The "We're racing Fernando" comment could also quite easily be read as "We, the team and it's driver, are racing Fernando" seeing as the answer was made to a question regarding Lewis, not Mclaren as a team."

Nobody can give us any hard evidence to prove Fernando was treated unfairly, but we all have our opinions. I think he could have been treated better, but I don't think his on-track performances warrented anything more than equal number 1. We all know your stance on the matter, and that viewpoint is respected, but you don't need to hammer it into our skulls everytime we logon to F1T.
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Re: Ron Dennis


....and I 'm still trying to find out when autosport became a Mclaren publication
Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regards to matters requiring thought. The less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them; while on the other hand, to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. - Galileo..

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Re: Ron Dennis


well said

ron aint no angel he is ron, he speaks ron speak, but mostly it is his team
always has been. he is a hard man to get on with but any that join his team and forget that soon leave (see jpm)those that work in his world stay for a while (see coultard and mika) he is a racer much like sir frank williams.

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Re: Ron Dennis


Sawtooth-spike queried:
Do you have your own Book of Facts then?
Of course he does, he wrote it.

My most reacent Autosport had a picture of the RedBull on the front and several pages dedicated to how stunning and magically wonderful that car was. Now much changes in F1 but I don't for a second suppose RedBull and Mclaren have become linked in any way over the off-season.

I don't blame autosport for that report, it was stated as the opinion of a journalist, it was factual, interesting, optimistic and evidence was given to back thoughts and opinions.

Now compare that to P_O_L's posts, erm, nope, none of those, can't see any of that either, wait theres something, no wait that was a smudge on my screen. Oh, what a shame, that post doesn't fit any one of the above catagories. You're opinions are written as if they were fact, you don't provide any evidence, you slander and accuse and it really doesn't hold my attention well. But thats just my opinion.

Now I'm quite well aware sarcasm doesn't convey well over the internet so I'll make it quite clear that there was no sarcasm at all in that rant. No, thats all my honest opinion, that's the conclusion I have come to based on the given evidence, to reitify your post was complete yarbles.

Have a nice day.
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Re: Ron Dennis


I guess that's Tom being crystal clear about whats on his mind lol.

On topic again, has anybody actually seen anything else reporting the supposed "sacking" or "resignation" of Ron? All I've seen is that for once in this final test Lewis didn't finish top - Jarno did, and that the police have visited Mclaren about the spy inquest.

If this were true its big news, and like the supposed "hidden ECU feature", I'd expect it to be in a score of high profile sources if it were true.
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Re: Ron Dennis


Tom wrote:Sawtooth-spike queried:
Do you have your own Book of Facts then?
Of course he does, he wrote it.

My most reacent Autosport had a picture of the RedBull on the front and several pages dedicated to how stunning and magically wonderful that car was. Now much changes in F1 but I don't for a second suppose RedBull and Mclaren have become linked in any way over the off-season.

I don't blame autosport for that report, it was stated as the opinion of a journalist, it was factual, interesting, optimistic and evidence was given to back thoughts and opinions.

Now compare that to P_O_L's posts, erm, nope, none of those, can't see any of that either, wait theres something, no wait that was a smudge on my screen. Oh, what a shame, that post doesn't fit any one of the above catagories. You're opinions are written as if they were fact, you don't provide any evidence, you slander and accuse and it really doesn't hold my attention well. But thats just my opinion.

Now I'm quite well aware sarcasm doesn't convey well over the internet so I'll make it quite clear that there was no sarcasm at all in that rant. No, thats all my honest opinion, that's the conclusion I have come to based on the given evidence, to reitify your post was complete yarbles.

Have a nice day.

How funny, we can laugh on Marcas supposedly coloured news gathering, but when the jokes on your own magazine suddenly it becomes 'yarbles'?? Haha, gimme a break.

We could go on for thousands of words how coloured Autosport is and their supposedly true blue stance is not only disgusting but also hypocrite, but the few facts i gave ya should be enough, unless yr pretty thick headed off course.

As for the one who still looks to see how they are Mclarens own PR-mag..should i point to the annual mclaren-autosport awards where heads of both parties stuff themselves in the grosvenor hotel lounge? :)

Last Tango In Paris

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Re: Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote:How funny, we can laugh on Marcas supposedly coloured news gathering, but when the jokes on your own magazine suddenly it becomes 'yarbles'?? Haha, gimme a break.

We could go on for thousands of words how coloured Autosport is and their supposedly true blue stance is not only disgusting but also hypocrite, but the few facts i gave ya should be enough, unless yr pretty thick headed off course.

As for the one who still looks to see how they are Mclarens own PR-mag..should i point to the annual mclaren-autosport awards where heads of both parties stuff themselves in the grosvenor hotel lounge? :)

Blimey, yes you're right we can all see the truth now.

O M F G - I have to take my hat off to you, you really could argue all day about anything and everything till you're blue in the face in an empty room...
You've proven you don't like to discuss things you just like to rant about how awful the McLaren team are...give it a rest.
- Axle

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Joined: 04 Feb 2008, 23:24

Re: Ron Dennis


I think it would be good for F1 if Dennis where to leave F1. You dont have to agree with that.
Last Tango In Paris