Ron Dennis

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Rob W
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Re: Ron Dennis


Sawtooth-spike wrote:As Is Said in Marketing "There is no Such thing as Bad Publicity"
Yeah, I think this has well and truly been proven to be an incorrect cliche thousands of times over. (especially in the Internet era)

On the main topic though - Ron wont be replaced this year. Replacing someone like him - how do you do it? Get some senior manager from Mercedes in? Martin Whitmarsh? I doubt it.

A smart company will take 18 months or longer to change the guard. Dennis does have a big say in it, as you said, since he's still a major shareholder of the company. It's not like he runs a bank where you can just hire the next guy. F1 teams, well ones which have had massive success like McLaren/Ferrari, entail a very broad range of roles to be filled, usually by one person. From overall team direction, overseeing the broad technical management and doing most of the publicity (including sponsorship pitches).

Last edited by Rob W on 28 Feb 2008, 00:12, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ron Dennis


Your right we dont have to agree with that.

Just like we dont have to agree that Chicken are fish and Black is infact white.

Oh out of interest Pol, you know know that one of the "Mclaren fans" of auto sport is a member of this form? I think he will rightfully ignore your comments. as i wish i had.

Back to topic again,

Is Ron also not the CEO of Mclaren? The board of Mclaren could not fire him, they could only ask him to step down. If this is a made up story i really dont think its fair to do something like this to somebody who is having personal problems. Thats just low.
I believe in the chain of command, Its the chain I use to beat you till you do what i want!!!

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Re: Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote:Lol, dont take or make this too personal ey axle? That would be really weak.

I think it would be good for F1 if Dennis where to leave F1. You dont have to agree with that.
All of your posts a littered with vitriol and spite. You make stuff up/twist things to your warped perspective and then dodge and weave the issue of proving your case.

I think F1 would be better without the FIA and Ferrari...but I can't recall ranting about it in thread after thread.

As for not getting personal, when you see you're having a pop at a person and trying to demonise him, so are you not asking for double standards??
- Axle

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Re: Ron Dennis


Sawtooth-spike wrote:Your right we dont have to agree with that.

Just like we dont have to agree that Chicken are fish and Black is infact white.

Oh out of interest Pol, you know know that one of the "Mclaren fans" of auto sport is a member of this form? I think he will rightfully ignore your comments. as i wish i had.

Back to topic again,

Is Ron also not the CEO of Mclaren? The board of Mclaren could not fire him, they could only ask him to step down. If this is a made up story i really dont think its fair to do something like this to somebody who is having personal problems. Thats just low.

Low? Low? You know what low was? Accusing Frank Williams and Patrick Head of cheating a week after Head publicly supported Mclaren and Dennis. Accusing Williams of cheating and asking the FIA to throw them out of the Brasilian results on the same grounds Mclaren was almost entirely thrown out(but got spared) during the spygate affair. Low was asking DC to move over twice in a row. Low was not giving a damn about the fans introducing pitbox cover screens who Bernie now banned from GP weekends or the no race instructions at melbourne 98 and various other races, like monaco 2007.

Its pretty easy to kick him out though. Mercedes can purchase his stocks and simply remove him from office. Or the board could ask him to step down himself after yet another string of embarrasing results and events. Another top driver walking out of the team. Maybe Autosport will employ him as chief-editor?
Last Tango In Paris

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Joined: 04 Feb 2008, 23:24

Re: Ron Dennis


axle wrote:
P_O_L wrote:Lol, dont take or make this too personal ey axle? That would be really weak.

I think it would be good for F1 if Dennis where to leave F1. You dont have to agree with that.
All of your posts a littered with vitriol and spite. You make stuff up/twist things to your warped perspective and then dodge and weave the issue of proving your case.

I think F1 would be better without the FIA and Ferrari...but I can't recall ranting about it in thread after thread.

As for not getting personal, when you see you're having a pop at a person and trying to demonise him, so are you not asking for double standards??
A pop at the head of an F1 team is a big way from attacking the man personally. I attacked his actions in his role as head of Mclaren and not Ron dennis the divorcing husband.

As your wish to see the FIA out, i take it you dont agree with much of the fans and brit press the last season was one of the best in years and produced by FIA rules?

And I dont agree with the vitriol and spite accusation either. You just dont like it a bloke comes along and spoils the lets-point-at-marca-and-laugh party and turns the joke on Autosport and much of the brit based media who made us believe Alonso was the culprit in the relationship bewteen mclaren and lewis, while now even the head of Renault boldly lays the blame at the door of mclaren saying they favoured lewis. A fact that cant be denied when you heard it from ron dennis own mouth 2 races before the end of the season!!! How much more prove do you want? A written down statement from the team? Dodging and weaving the issue? Mate you have a hard time getting the previous through your head!!
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Re: Ron Dennis


if you read my post... which i dont belive you did.

I said it was low that if this story is not true, then it is Low of the new paper that printed it.

If that was not clear then i am sorry.

As for "Mercedes can Buy him out and Sacking him?" ](*,)
I believe in the chain of command, Its the chain I use to beat you till you do what i want!!!

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Project Four
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Re: Ron Dennis


A pop at the head of an F1 team is a big way from attacking the man personally. I attacked his actions in his role as head of Mclaren and not Ron dennis the divorcing husband.
P_O_L - It would be less personal if you had just said 'Ron Dennis the person' and not 'Ron the divorcing husband', I think this really does sum up your feelings for the guy and is a below the belt comment, which has nothing to do with the topic or with F1.

Back on message I hope Ron stays and leads McLaren to another championship and agree that any leadership succession is going to be a 18-24 months process but doubt if this will be announced as it would weaken his leadership.

Joined: 09 Jul 2003, 11:54

Re: Ron Dennis


Ron is the man who has build a competitive team out of scratch. Ron has build McLaren as it is now. A top team that ran in front since he took over in 1980. You just have to have a lot of respect for the man. 28 years he kept McLaren running in front, with the best drivers formula one has ever seen, except Schumacher. McLaren is Dennis' life and I think he won't give it up that easy. I hope Dennis can stay for several years cause F1 is not the same without Dennis. He has a clear view of treating his drivers equal and I hope he will continue this way. It's the most honest way. Maybe not the most successful but at least the most honest.

Stop criticizing Dennis. It's been like forever that everyone has a lot of critique on Dennis, but they don't see the things he has brought to formula one. A shame...
all hopes on the MP4/24

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Re: Ron Dennis


As for the one who still looks to see how they are Mclarens own PR-mag..should i point to the annual mclaren-autosport awards where heads of both parties stuff themselves in the grosvenor hotel lounge?
I am still waiting for when/how autosport became a mclaren publication. All you 've said so far is 2+2=14.
I attacked his actions in his role as head of Mclaren and not Ron dennis the divorcing husband.
My apologies if this seems rude, but how old are you?
You just dont like it a bloke comes along and spoils the lets-point-at-marca-and-laugh party
Are you u from spain by any chance??
Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regards to matters requiring thought. The less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them; while on the other hand, to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. - Galileo..

The noblest of dogs is the hot dog. It feeds the hand that bites it.

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Re: Ron Dennis


mcdenife wrote:Are you u from spain by any chance??

and in keeping with the theme of this thread it doesnt matter if he is or not we should all believe it anyway!

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Re: Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote:Low? Low? You know what low was? Accusing Frank Williams and Patrick Head of cheating a week after Head publicly supported Mclaren and Dennis. Accusing Williams of cheating and asking the FIA to throw them out of the Brasilian results on the same grounds Mclaren was almost entirely thrown out(but got spared) during the spygate affair. Low was asking DC to move over twice in a row. Low was not giving a damn about the fans introducing pitbox cover screens who Bernie now banned from GP weekends or the no race instructions at melbourne 98 and various other races, like monaco 2007.

Its pretty easy to kick him out though. Mercedes can purchase his stocks and simply remove him from office. Or the board could ask him to step down himself after yet another string of embarrasing results and events. Another top driver walking out of the team. Maybe Autosport will employ him as chief-editor?
This is exactly what I don't understand, "Do you think somebody's actions were a bit Low?" "NO! Mclaren are low..." why does EVERYTHING have to go back to Mclaren and your quite blinkered hatred of them.

I say blinkered because:
Accusing Frank Williams and Patrick Head of cheating a week after Head publicly supported Mclaren and Dennis
Maybe not the most moral of things to do, but I missed the point where its okay to have your own team nearly thrown out for breaking rules, but not okay for another team to beat you by breaking rules?
Accusing Williams of cheating and asking the FIA to throw them out of the Brasilian results on the same grounds Mclaren was almost entirely thrown out(but got spared) during the spygate affair
WOW...when did Williams spy on other teams at the Brazilian GP? Or when was the spygate scandal about them temperature of fuel?
Low was asking DC to move over twice in a row.
You argue against yourself there, the keyword is ASK, they asked him to, not tell. And DC accepted, it was his choice. So blame him for bending over and taking it up the a**e.
Low was not giving a damn about the fans introducing pitbox cover screens
Not that anybody else ever used them...
or the no race instructions at melbourne 98 and various other races, like monaco 2007.
And nobody else has ever done that - Ferrari, ahem - funny that, Mclaren are bad for doing it, but there biggest rival gets away without a mention. Or what about Schumi asking the whole grid not to race into the 1st two chicanes at Monza in 2001 (I think?)

It's a sport, and in a high profile sport & business like this people will do anything to win sometimes, Mclaren aren't the only ones, Ferrari can be included. If you're going to rant about the low actions of a team then you can quite easily do so about Ferrari yet you seem not to bother.

Almost every argument in your post is an opinion which I have no idea how you came to as its just so blinkered.

Like I said before, we know your opinion on Mclaren, and we respect it. What people here don't like is being preeched to day in day out, and when we don't convert our viewpoints we get the same points thrown at us again, but with yet more ludacrous accusations to give them more weight.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2004, 13:21
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Re: Ron Dennis


Spencifer, I dont recall anyone accusing either Williams or BMW of cheating because that was not the point (I believe there was a statement from Mclaren clarifying this). The point was about consistent application of the rules etc by the FIA. But however much facts/evidence or whatever you provide here,I dont think it will get you anywhere afterall why let such things ruin a good spleen vent. P_O_L, just ignore these guys. You and I both know Mclaren are the devil' spawn.
Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regards to matters requiring thought. The less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them; while on the other hand, to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. - Galileo..

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Re: Ron Dennis


I wouldn't want to see P_O_L leave the forum, he's a passionate fan, and thats a good thing. I'll I've said is that I'd like to see him adjust his approach.
mcdenife wrote:Spencifer, I dont recall anyone accusing either Williams or BMW of cheating because that was not the point
P_O_L was saying how Mclaren accused Williams and BMW of cheating with regards to the fuel regulations. My point was that it was not based on the same grounds as the near-miss of Mclaren exclusion from the championship as quoted:
P_O_L wrote:Accusing Williams of cheating and asking the FIA to throw them out of the Brasilian results on the same grounds Mclaren was almost entirely thrown out(but got spared) during the spygate affair
It was not based on the same grounds, but the wording of the statement suggest so, and thus further tarnishes the image of Mclaren in order to prove his point, despite the lack of factuality of the statement.

Like I said, P_O_L please don't leave the forum, F1T is a great place to come and debate, and I like the fact that you and I don't see eye to eye all the time - without disagreement there'd be no debate, and the whole forum would be a pretty boring place to be wouldn't it? I'm just finding that every post seems to be nothing more than anti-mclaren propaganda, even if the topic doesn't warrent such a responce. Its all just seems a bit unnessecary.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2006, 23:23
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Re: Ron Dennis


oh no!!!

Mclarens in-house mag has gone with the story


Joined: 12 Dec 2006, 21:58

Re: Ron Dennis


This is turning into a joke, I don't know where all this Autosport-McLaren stuff has suddenly come from, get over it. Autosport is an established magazine that has been reporting on motorsport for nearly 60 years. You know what of course it's going to have a slight bias towards an english team, whether it be McLaren, Williams or British drivers. It's no different to auto motor and sport here in Germany and german drivers. In fact I don't know of a single press outlet that doesn't have a bias or leaning towards a certain group...whether it be the Daily Telegraph or the BBC

As for all the people that moan about the McLaren Autosport BRDC award, so what if they do both sponsor an award for young drivers? You can only applaud them for giving young and upcoming drivers the chance and pedestal to achieve greater things, just look at the list of winners ... BRDC_Award. That can't be a bad thing in an industry that's notoriously hard to progress in without the right contacts or money...

Look I don't have a problem with people having opinions about Ron Dennis after all that's what a forum is for, but come on if there's any hard proof that Autosport favours McLaren (got any quotes...) I'd like to see it...At the end of the day I guess it goes to show what high esteem everyone holds it in that you even bother to look at its web pages...